Fortran Specialist Group

FORTRAN's Twenty-Fifth Anniversary

Pioneers of the Fortran Language

Pioneers of the Fortran language
L to R: Richard Goldberg, Robert Nelson, Lois Haibt, Roy Nutt, Irv Ziller, Sheldon Best, Harlan Herrick, John Backus, Peter Sheridan.
Pioneer Day Banquet, National Computer Conference, Houston, Texas, June 9, 1982.
Photograph courtesy of Paul McJones, editor of the Fortran pages on the website of the Computer History Museum, Mountain View, California.

IEEE Digital Library

Special Issue of the Annals of the History of Computing - Volume 6, Number 1, January 1984
J.A.N. Lee and H.S. Tropp, editors.

J.A.N. Lee. Pioneer Day, 1982. Pages 7-14.
List of FORTRAN Implementations

John Backus, session chair. Early Days of FORTRAN.

  • John C. McPherson. Early Computers and Computing Institutions. Pages 15-16.
  • Robert W. Bemer. Computing Prior to FORTRAN. Pages 16-18.
  • Richard Goldberg. Register Allocation in FORTRAN I. Pages 19-20.
  • Roy Nutt. Compiler Techniques Available in 1954. Pages 20-22.
  • Frances E. Allen. A Technological Review of the Early FORTRAN Compilers. Pages 22-26.
  • John Backus. Afterword. Pages 26-27.

Jeanne Adams, session chair. Institutionalization of FORTRAN.

  • Herbert S. Bright. Early FORTRAN User Experience. Pages 28-30.
  • Robert A. Hughes. Early FORTRAN at Livermore. Pages 30-31.
  • William P. Heising. The Emergence of FORTRAN IV from FORTRAN II. Pages 31-32.
  • Martin N. Greenfield. The Impact of FORTRAN Standardization. Page 33.
  • Daniel D. McCracken. The Early History of FORTRAN Publications. Pages 33-34.
  • Charles Davidson. The Emergence of Load-and-Go Systems for FORTRAN. Pages 35-37.
  • James M. Sakoda. A Dynamic Storage Allocation Language--DYSTAL. Pages 37-38.
  • Bruce Rosenblatt. The Successors to FORTRAN--Why Does FORTRAN Survive? Pages 39-40.

Daniel N. Leeson. IBM FORTRAN Exhibit and Film. Pages 41-48.

J.A.N. Lee. An Annotated Bibliography of FORTRAN. Pages 49-58.

Henry S. Tropp, editor. FORTRAN Anecodotes. Pages 59-64.

Meetings in Retrospect. Pages 65-69

  • FORTRAN Celebration at IBM Santa Theresa Laboratory.
  • Elliot C. Nohr. FORTRAN Activities at SHARE Meeting.

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