Web Editor's Report for 2005-2006

Though this session has not seen any major changes in either the layout or hosting arrangements for the Group's pages on the Web there may be future changes following on from the redesign of the main Society website earlier in 2006.

Following the AGM in 2005 I updated the Group's site between June and September with information from the AGM, the UK requirements discussions and the WG5 meeting.

As I mentioned in my report last year I have been looking into converting our most recent pages to conform to the W3C XHTML 1.1 standard and making greater use of Cascading Style Sheets to improve the accessibility of our pages and also using Server Side Includes (SSI) to reduce the amount of duplicated information on our pages. I have now converted all our 2004 and 2005 pages to conform to the XHTML1.0 Transitional standard as a first step and any new pages which I create also conform to that standard.

The use of SSI led me on to the use of PHP scripting for the same purpose and for generating pages using information read from a database. I have now done this for the site access statistics on my own machine but I have not yet rolled it out onto the live website. You will be pleased to know that I have replaced the contentious phrase "Unique Visitors" with "Individual Visitors" in the new files. The need to take the monthly data which I am sent by Susannah Rodgers and put it into a form suitable for insertion into a MySQL database led me to write some Fortran programs, for the first time in several years! I will be talking about my experiences in more detail this afternoon.

The changes to the Society's main website mentioned above produced some changes to the location of some files linked from our pages so I had to make some changes earlier this year to take them into account.

We currently have over 500 files on the server and that will increase once again when I put the information from this meeting on the site.

Last autumn there was no BCS SG website competition so the Group's site has not been judged against its peers in this session!

My thanks goes to all of you who have provide me with material in a form which enables me to put it on our web site with the minimum amount of work.

Peter Crouch
3rd June 2006

Comments on this or any other of the Group's pages should be sent by email to the FSG Web Editor.
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Last modified: Wed 9 Jan 2013 19:09:00