- 2001 AGM
- About us
Fortran Specialist Group
A reception was held on the evening of Monday 30 July 2001 at the Esporta Health & Fitness Club, Unit 3, Chiswick Park, almost opposite BSI House in Chiswick High Road, to which all members of the BCS Fortran Specialist Group and all members of the BSI Fortran panel, plus partners, were invited to meet WG5 members for drinks and a buffet.
In the event most of the WG5 members attended together with most of the FSG committee and a number of partners. It was a very pleasant occasion blessed with a glorious summer's evening, good food and drink and good company, marred only by the necessity to return home by hot, sticky and unreliable public transport!
Peter Crouch
August 2001
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FSG Web Editor.