- 2001 AGM
- About us
Fortran Specialist Group
As in previous years the main activity on the Group's web pages has centered around the AGM. The minutes of the previous meeting normally go up in mid-year together with summaries of the afternoon presentations and in the late spring of the following year the agenda for the next AGM and the associated officer's reports go up. There are also the routine changes to the officer's details on the contacts page. There have been other updates this year, such as the change to the location of the Group's e-mail list. A total of twenty files were created or updated between June 2000 and May 2001.
In most cases I am supplied with polished "raw material" by David Muxworthy so that I have only to add the appropriate "tops" and "tails" before passing the files on to Carl Harris at BCS HQ who actually puts them on the BCS server.
At the bottom of many of the Group's pages there is a request for comments. In the three years I have been Web Editor I have received very few comments. The ones I have had have chiefly been pointing out mistakes I have missed! Does this mean you are all happy with the information and layout of the pages or does it mean no one ever looks at them?
Looking forward, as you will be aware June 2001 will see the launch of the Society's new brand identity. This will include a revision of all the Society's web pages so I expect to be in closer contact with Carl than usual over the next two months.
As I have indicated above I am indebted to David for providing so much of the information for our pages as HTML documents, much reducing the work I have to do. Thank you very much David.
Peter Crouch
12th May 2001
Comments on this or any other of the Group's pages should be sent by email to the
FSG Web Editor.