Fortran Specialist Group Annual General Meeting 2024

10.00 a.m. Thursday 10th October 2024
Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, 25 Howland Street, W1T 4JG
(see below for details of how to join online)

Annual General Meeting 2024


AGM Business
  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Minutes of the previous AGM (28th September 2023)
  3. Matters arising
  4. Chairman's report
  5. Treasurer's report
  6. Membership Secretary's report
  7. Web Editor's report
  8. Election of Officers and Committee members
    (The following is taken from the Fortran SG Constitution:
    The name of any member accepting nomination for election or re-election as an Officer or as a Committee member shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary 7 clear days prior to the date of the AGM by two members of the Group with the written consent of the nominee.
    "In writing" applies equally to email or paper copy.)
  9. Future activities for the Group
  10. Any other business
  11. Date of next meeting
Lunch Break / Networking (note that Lunch is not provided)


Joint meeting with Computational Physics Group of Institute of Physics

Afternoon presentations
Flang Developments
Jeff Hammond (NVIDIA),

Type-safe generic programming in Fortran
Tom Clune (NASA),

When the Fortran language committee first collected requests for new language features for what has now become the Fortran 2023 standard, support for generic programming emerged as a top priority. However, due to the anticipated complexity, a dedicated committee subgroup was formed, and implementation of generic programming was purposely spread across two language release cycles — aiming for what is internally referred to as F202Y. In this talk, I will begin with a brief overview of existing Fortran features that support generic programming and then proceed to a detailed examination of the plans for F202Y.

This discussion will include motivating use cases, type-safe design goals, (probable) syntax, and a few simple examples. I conclude with a discussion on the likely limitations of generic programming in F202Y and my expectations for extended capabilities in the subsequent release, F203X.

Discussion session

Discussion of the following topics:

  • Generics in Fortran
  • Discussoin of any AGM announcements


All current Fortran SG members are welcome to attend the AGM. The afternoon presentations are open to all, including non-BCS members.
Both meetings can be attended in person or online, all attendees should register for the afternoon session using this form

In order to attend either the AGM or the afternoon presentations in person you need to email J.Pelan @ by the 8th. Please put 'Register' in the subject header and your message should indicate if you are a BCS or IOP member.

Comments on this or any other of the Group's pages should be sent by email to the FSG Web Editor.
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Last modified: Mon 7 Oct 2024 17:45:18