Minutes of the BCS Fortran Specialist Group AGM
Held at BCS London Office, First Floor, The Davidson Building,
5 Southampton Street, London, on 2nd June 2005.
The 2005 Annual General Meeting of the British Computer Society Fortran
Specialist Group was held at 11.00 am on Thursday, 2nd June 2005.
Present: | David Briggs | British Energy |
| Ian Chivers | Rhymney Consulting |
| Peter Crouch | Department for Work and Pensions |
| Sam Ellis | Defence Procurement Agency (MoD) |
| David Muxworthy | BSI Fortran convenor |
| John Reid | JKR Associates |
| John Young | AWE Blacknest |
(i). Apologies for absence:
Apologies for absence were received from Ron Bell, Miles Ellis, Carol Hewlett,
Philip Kraven, Alistair Mills, Ben Ralston, Lawrie Schonfelder, Jane Sleightholm
and Lynne Sturgess.
(ii). Minutes of previous AGM:
The minutes of the 2004 AGM were accepted as a
correct record. The minutes were approved unanimously (proposed by John Reid,
seconded by Ian Chivers).
(iii). Matters Arising:
There were no matters arising.
(iv). Chairman's Report:
The chairman's report was tabled. The chairman drew
attention to a number of topics:
(1) November 2004 had seen the publication of Fortran 2003. The UK participation
had been led by John Reid and David Muxworthy and the Chairman thanked them
formally on behalf of the Fortran user community.
(2) The possibility of a joint event with the Computer Conservation Society in
2007 — John Young and the Chairman had attended the Computer Conservation
Society AGM and had proposed that the CCS and FSG should work together to
organise a celebration of the Golden Jubilee of Fortran in 2007 - this item was
to be revisited under item (x) later.
(3) The possibility of a presentation on Fortran to the Specialist Groups Assembly
to be held on 25 October 2005 — it had been proposed that this presentation
should be given at either the Autumn 2004 and Spring 2005 meetings but pressures
on the agendas had meant that this had not happened.
(4) The payment of a fee for affiliate membership of the group to those not
already members of the BCS — a single list of members of the Group had still
not been obtained and hence no progress had been made with this - this item was to
be revisited under item (vi) later.
The report was approved unanimously (proposed by John Young, seconded by David
John Reid and John Young thanked the Chairman for his efforts throughout the year.
(v). Treasurer's Report and SG Development Fund Report:
The Treasurer gave a verbal report:
He had taken over from his predecessor after last year's AGM and BCS HQ had taken
over the accounts for the group shortly afterwards. As stated by John Stephens at
last year's AGM much of the work of the Treasurer had been be eliminated as BCS HQ
handled the accounts centrally. The Group's bank account was no longer required
and the main task of the Treasurer was that of checking claims for expenses before
forwarding these to HQ.
The annual accounts had been received the previous week and copies of the six
sheets were handed out. Having the final sheets had made the position clearer
though the full details were still not understood. There had been a small deficit
(~ £390) on the Income & Expenditure account, as opposed to a small
surplus (~£90) last year. It was thought that a bid for funding to cover
this should be made to BCS HQ and the Treasurer would investigate this.
The main expenditure of the group had been on the ISO WG5 and associated BSI
meetings. This was covered by a separate account and a grant of £5380 had
been awarded in February 2005. Care was needed with claims to ensure that funding
was allocated from the correct account and an effort was being made to check this
year's accounts to clarify the situation.
(The finalised accounts are now available in PDF format.
For comparison with last year's figures the Balance Sheet is on page 5 and the
Income & Expenditure Statement is on page 4.)
David Muxworthy (in his role as BSI Fortran Convenor) presented a
report on the Specialist Groups Development Fund
Programme. David Briggs commented that he was amazed at the way the standards
process worked, with Fortran seemingly teetering from one standard to another.
David Muxworthy replied that the process worked as with most other standards with
the Group supporting UK requirements.
The subject of funding for meetings of the ISO Working Group was raised. The
Department of Trade and Industry through the British Standards Institute did not
necessarily reimburse attendees for their full expenses. The Treasurer felt that
the Group ought to cover any shortfall from the SG Development Fund. This was
supported by David Muxworthy and the other attendees agreed. It was decided that
anyone being out of pocket from the meeting in Delft should submit a claim through
the Treasurer.
The two reports were unanimously accepted (proposed by David Briggs, seconded by
John Reid).
(vi). Membership Secretary's Report:
The Membership Secretary had little to add to the information from June 2004 given
in the tabled report, prepared by the Chairman
in August 2004.
The matter of charging non-BCS members for membership of the group was raised
again and David Briggs is to follow up with Lynne Sturgess (BCS HQ) to get
consistent information to allow charging £10 to non-BCS members. Two
inconsistent lists had been received from BCS HQ in mid-2004. The group should
clarify and publicize what membership offered and arrange for BCS HQ to send out
invoices to the appropriate Group members.
A discussion regarding the JISC e-mail list followed. This list had been closed
at Christmas 2004 though the system appeared to be reluctant to die as David
Briggs and David Muxworthy were still receiving "owner's" messages.
David Briggs stated that the status ought to be regularized.
(vii). Web Editor's Report:
The web editor's report was tabled and he provided a
verbal summary of the key points:
(1) The Web Editor had been asked to be a judge in the annual BCS Specialist Group
website competition. The Fortran site, although included in the competition, had
not been amongst those mentioned in the results.
(2) The group's site has over 300 files on it including minutes from AGMs back to
2000 and minutes from the first meeting of the group in January 1970.
The report was accepted unanimously (proposed by David Muxworthy, seconded by John
David Briggs and David Muxworthy congratulated the Web Editor on his efforts.
(viii). Future activities of the Group:
Formal discussion of this item was deferred until after item (ix). As this was
now a recurring event at AGMs it was determined that the Secretary would move the
item in agendas for future years!
(ix). Election of Officers:
All the officers resigned and elections for new officers took place. There were no
nominations before the AGM. The Chairman proposed that existing officers should
stand again. In addition it was suggested that the other attendees should be
elected onto the committee as "members without portfolio". Both
proposals were accepted unanimously. The offices and committee for the year
2005/2006 are thus:
Chairman | Peter Crouch |
Vice-Chairman & Archivist | David Muxworthy |
Secretary | Sam Ellis |
Membership Secretary | David Briggs |
Treasurer | Sam Ellis |
Web Editor | Peter Crouch |
Standards Officer | John Reid |
Committee Members | Ian Chivers
Alistair Mills
John Young |
(x). Future activities of the Group ((viii) re-visited)
Aside from the AGMs the expectation was that there would be little activity in
2005 and 2006. Major activities in 2007 were expected to be connected with the
50th anniversaries of both the BCS and Fortran.
The 50th anniversary of Fortran was discussed with David Muxworthy
wondering whether IBM would repeat their efforts of the 25th anniversary
and produce a film covering this anniversary. John Young suggested that IBM should
be approached to see if they would sponsor an event. John Reid also suggested
approaching NAG.
With regard to Fortran standardisation the ISO WG5 meeting was due to be hosted in
the UK in 2007. A lengthy discussion took place about where the meeting should be
held. There had been some correspondence with BCS HQ prior to the AGM to see if
they would be interested in providing rooms at a discount, or even free of charge,
to allow the ISO WG5 meeting to be held at the BCS London Office. David Muxworthy
and John Reid would provide draft requirements for rooms and equipment to allow
the Chairman to approach BCS HQ to see if the Society would provide this support.
The alternative, in the absence of support from the BCS, was considered to be
King's College London.
Use of Fortran in the BCS Programming Competition as a means of advertising the
scope of Fortran was mentioned. Sam Ellis had approached Pablo Gomez in BCS HQ in
the previous year to see if Fortran could be used - if a brief description of
Fortran including the specification of the PC that would be required to host it
could be provided BCS could make a decision as to whether it would be viable. It
was felt that if this went ahead it would be advisable to be able to provide at
least one team to enter the competition. Sam Ellis took an action to obtain some
example questions for the members of the SG to look at to see if anyone would be
willing to enter a team. If participants could be identified the matter would be
(xi). Any Other Business:
There was no other business.
(xii) Date of next Annual General Meeting:
The date of the next meeting was discussed and Thursday June 8th
2006 was agreed.
This concluded the formal AGM business. After a break for lunch, two presentations
were given:
(1) "Co-arrays for parallel programming and the
other features that the WG5 Meeting in May 2005 decided to include in the revision
of Fortran 2003", by John Reid, ISO WG5 convenor.
(2) "Parameterized modules, BITS, and
other features that may or may not be included in the revision of Fortran
2003", by David Muxworthy, BSI Fortran convenor.
These were followed by a discussion on the topics for inclusion in the revision
of Fortran 2003.
The chairman then closed the meeting. He thanked everyone for coming, in particular
the speakers. He hoped that the meeting had been useful and said that the reports
would be posted on the website together with the minutes.
It is still possible to propose requirements
or amendements for consideration by WG5 at its next meeting in February 2006.
The deadline for submissions to the BSI Fortran Panel via its Convenor
David Muxworthy is Friday 16 December
Comments on this or any other of the Group's pages should be sent by e-mail to
the BCS FSG Web Editor, Peter Crouch.