Open Source Fortran

Joint meeting with BCS Open Source Specialist Group

November 15, 2018, 18.00 - 20.00

MMU Business School, 3rd Floor, Room 3.01 (S Atrium)
All Saints
All Saints Campus, Manchester M15 6BH

The meeting comprised the following two 30 minute talks with opportunity for questions

A Tour of the Flang Fortran Compiler
Kiran Chandramohn

Flang is a Fortran compiler recently open sourced by PGI. Flang generates LLVM IR and benefits from the optimizations implemented in LLVM. It also runs on a variety of hardware. In a short span of time Flang has garnered a lot of interest. It is the frontend for PGI and Arm Fortran Compilers. In this talk I will briefly cover the history of Flang, the open source context, standards conformance, technical details, performance numbers, f18 project and the future roadmap of flang.

Kiran is a Compiler Engineer working at Arm Ltd. He is responsible for the productization of the Arm Fortran Compiler based on open source Flang project. He holds a PhD degree from the University of Edinburgh.

gfortran—the gnu gcc fortran compiler
Paul Thomas

Gfortran is the gnu gcc fortran frontend. It forked from G95 and the first gfortran ChangeLog entry is dated 30th August 2002. Initially, the aim was to provide a fully compliant F95 compiler with legacy support for G77 features. Once this was achieved, from 2005 onwards, F20xx features were added such that F2018 compliance is within sight. In addition, gfortran supports many of the non-standard features of the DEC fortran compiler, supports OpenMPv4 and OpenCoarrays. Gfortran uses its own internal representation for parsing and resolution, which is then translated to gcc’s TREE-SSA. It benefits from the wide range of targets and optimisation features provided by gcc. In this talk I will discuss standards conformance, performance and future developments.

Paul is a director of Glyme Consultancy Limited. He splits his time between controlled fusion and maintaining gfortran. He holds a PhD degree in theoretical physics from the University of Manchester.

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