Web Editor's Report for 2013/14 to Fortran SG AGM, 2nd October 2014

As I said last year, I don't have a lot to report this year other than routine maintenance of the Group website following the 2013 AGM. Following discussions at last year's AGM I have not modified any of the remaining pages to update them to the new green BCS house style.

More recently I have put up the agenda and other documents for this meeting, see www.fortran.bcs.org/2014/agenda14.php. By my calculation we now have well over 1000 files on the BCS server.

We could do with one or two new photos to go on our home page as Malcolm Cohen's presentation has been on display since 2012!

If anyone has a burning desire to become the Web Editor for the Group then I am happy not to stand for re-election.

Finally, as ever my thanks goes to all the contributors to the Fortran SG site who have provided me with files which needed only a minimum of work to make them suitable to go onto the Web.

This must be the shortest Web Editor's report I have ever produced!

Peter Crouch
Web Editor Fortran SG
29th September 2014

Comments on this or any other of the Group's pages should be sent by email to the FSG Web Editor.
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Last modified: Mon 12 Oct 2015 22:31:18