Web Editor's Report September 2010

The rebranding of the Society as BCS – The Chartered Institute for IT has mean that all the Group's web pages needed to be changed to match the new BCS brand, logo and colour scheme. I have made a start, changing all the top-level pages and those for 2009 and 2010 to the new style. That still leaves all the files from 2002 to 2008 to be changed.

Thanks to David Muxworthy I have been able to extend the Group's pages back in time to 1994, covering the AGMs and other meetings which were held. I have used the new BCS logo and colour scheme for these pages. So we now have on the web the minutes of the first meeting of the Group held in January 1970 and AGM and other event documents from 1994 to the present day.

The first release of the new BCS web site went live as planned in September 2009 but I have not heard anything more about the centrally controlled design templates and access to a central content management system to provide consistency of design, structure, user experience and quality which I mentioned in my report last year.

Back on more routine matters, I updated the site following the 2009 AGM with the documents presented at the meeting though the minutes have yet to go onto the site. Thanks to John Reid for making space available on his Picasa web album for the photos taken by Jane Sleightholme and Ian Chivers at our meeting with the IoP Computational Physics Group in June this year. The presentations given by the speakers are also available from www.fortran.bcs.org/2010/fortraninphysics.php.

More recently I have put up the agenda for this meeting, see www.fortran.bcs.org/2010/agenda10.php.

By my calculation we now have over 1000 files on the BCS server, before this year's AGM reports and documents are added.

As ever my thanks goes to all the contributors to the Fortran SG site who have provided me with files which needed only a minimum of work to make them suitable to go onto the Web. Also I must thank Carl Harris and Susannah Rogers at BCS HQ for their assistance when I have any queries and for providing me with a steady stream of monthly statistics which I have yet to put on the web despite several years of talking about it!

Peter Crouch
29th September 2010

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