Accounts 2001/2002

  Receipts Payments Balance
Gold Account
Balance at 30/04/2001 2884.77
Interest 137.55
Balance at 30/04/2002 3022.32
Current Account
Balance at 30/04/2001 300.00
Expenses for speakers' travel to AGM 98.70
Hire of equipment to convert 16mm film to video tape for showing at AGM 47.00
Transfer from HQ account, August 2001 360.00
Donation from WG5 1994 meeting fund 101.31
Donation from Mr John Young 25.00
Reception for ISO WG5 and FSG members, 30 July 2001 423.18
Expenses for WG5 convenor's travel to BSI IST/5 meeting in London, September 2001 38.77
Balance at 30/04/2002 178.66
HQ Account
HQ Allocation at 01/05/2001 1745.00
Catering at FSG 2001 AGM 20.00 (1)
Mailing to members, June 2001 188.68
Transfer to current account, August 2001 360.00
Expenses for WG5 convenor attending ISO WG5 meeting in London, 30 July-3 Aug, 2001 459.84
Mailing to members, April 2002 107.93
Underspend (retained by HQ) 608.55
Overall assets 30/04/2002
Current Account 178.66
Gold Account 3022.32
Net current assets 3200.98
Balance sheet 30/04/2002
Starting balance 30/04/2001 3184.77 (2)
Total receipts 263.86
Total payments 607.65
Transfer from HQ account 360.00
Finishing balance 30/04/2002 3200.98

(1) Estimate. A detailed account was not received.
(2) The balance sheet refers to the two bank accounts and does not include transactions paid from the HQ allocation.

David Muxworthy
3 May 2002

Comparison of budget and actual outcome for 2001/2002


  Budget Actual
Gold Account interest 0* 137.55
Donations 0 126.31
Total 0 263.86

* Gold account interest is normally left to accumulate and is not quoted in budgets provided to BCS HQ.


  Budget Actual
Meetings costs 80 165.70
Postage 75 176.63
Printing & stationery 240 119.98
Promotional event 350 0
WG5 reception 450 423.18
ISO convenor support 550 498.61
Total 1745 1384.10