Minutes of the BCS Fortran Specialist Group meeting
held at BCS ex HQ, 23rd November l993.
Present: Chris Lazou Chairman HiPerCom Consultants
John Young Deputy Chairman AWE Blacknest
Beu Ralston IBM STSS
Mike Nunn CCTA
Lawrie Schonfelder Liverpool Univ.
Miles Ellis Oxford Univ.
Roger Keeling Salford Univ.
Nick Saville Consultant
David Muxworthy Edinburgh Univ.
David Harris Secretary Alpha-Comp Computer
Services Ltd.
1.0 Apologies for Absence:
Ted Golton Treasurer
2.0 Minutes of Last meeting: [16/09/93]
2.1 Attendies: John Young was present all day.
2.2 Item 4.1, anable should be replaced by enable
2.3 Agenda details of AGH should be removed
3.0 Matters_Arising;
3.1 John Young to plan a full day meeting for March, possibly
at NAG HQ in Oxford. This meeting to also be held at two
other centres, possibly Salford and Edinburgh within a
few days of each other.
It is proposed to charge for these meetings, £40 for
members of BCSFG, £50 pounds for non-members and £20 for
The theme for the day will be F90, experience etc. John
Young to prepare details for inclusion in the next
distribution mailing to members.
Action: John Young
3.2 AGM date: 17th May 1994. (This date has been abandoned see
Chairman's covering note). The meeting intended to
finalise our contribution to the WG5 meeting to be held in
Edinburgh in July 1994 where changes to the F90 standard
will be discussed. Members should present their views at
the next meeting and/or in writing to the chairman as soon
as possible.
Action: All members
4.0 BCS and other Business
4.1 A Proposal was made to provide financial assistance to
Alla Gorelik, the official Russian delegate to WG5, to
attend WG5 meeting in Edinburgh in 1994. Proposer M.
Ellis, seconded by J. Young. It was agreed nem com that we
should cover the hotel expenses (maximum £300).
Miles Ellis will make approaches to other organisations (&
George Sorros) for assistance with other expenses.
Action: Miles Ellis
4.2 David Muxworthy presented a paper on the X3J3 meeting held
on October 4th 1993. It was reported that at the meeting
of the WG5 committee in July 1993 the X3J3 committee was
asked to consider points for a minor upgrade of the F90
standard. Miles Ellis agreed to write a short note for
members to provide some background information.
Action: Miles Ellis
4.3 Peter Holland has retired and notified the group that he
is resigning. Chris will write to him thanking him for his
long association with FSG and also Ted to remove Peter's
name from membership list.
Action: Chris Lazou & Ted Golton.
4.4 The secretary to ask Ted Golton to ensure a flyer is sent
out to all members asking for their annual membership fee.
Action: David Harris
[The above minutes were circulated to members in May 1994 with the following
note from the Chairman. The 1994 AGM, originally proposed for May 17 was held
on July 11 1994. The WG5 meeting in Edinburgh was held on August 8-12 and not
in July as stated.]
HiPerCom - Consultants
10 Western Road,
London N2 9HX.
Tel. & Fax: +44 (0)81 444 3245
4th May 1994
BCS Fortran Specialist Group
Dear Colleague,
Enclosed are the Minutes of our last meeting. As you can see
from these minutes the BCS Fortran Specialist Group (FSG) is
looking at ways to publicise the nature of Fortran 90 and its
advantages over FORTRAN 77 and other programming languages. We
are also interested in collecting comments on deficiencies and
requirements for the next revision of Fortran planned for 1996.
Unfortunately, we are experiencing difficulties in arranging
these meetings at present. This has caused us to abandon the
traditional AGM date (normally in May) as we need to give six
weeks notice for the AGM. The next AGM will now be held at the
first of the F90 Forums, sometime in July. A separate mailing
with details will be send out as soon as the dates and
locations are finalised.
We are still having difficulties in finding members who have
time to undertake officer functions. David Harris our recent
secretary resigned (because of work pressure) after taking the
minutes once, for the last meeting. We urgently need a new
secretary and active members for the group to remain viable.
There is an important role for the BCSFSG, but the effort is
currently missing. If any member would like to help please come
to the next meeting or contact me at the above address. This is
your committee and would only remain viable and useful with
your participation.
I hope to hear from some of you out there, soon.
Yours sincerely,
Christopher Lazou