25 FEBRUARY 1993
Present: John Young MOD-PE
Tim Bartle Salford Software
Martin Stanworth Taywood Engineering Ltd
Peter Crouch Inco Engineered Products
Chris Lazou HiPerCom Consultants
Miles Ellis University of Oxford
Ted Golton Rutherford (p.m. only)
Connie Peake University of Oxford
1. Welcome to the meeting
The Chairman Chris Lazou welcomed everyone to the meeting. There
were a few new members so Chris Lazou thought it would be a good idea if
everyone introduced themselves.
Connie Peake, who is Miles Ellis' P.A., has agreed to take minutes for the
next two meetings as an experiment. It is hoped that a new Secretary can
be appointed at the A.G.M. in May.
2. Apologies for absence
David Harris - Oxcom Computer Services Ltd
Dave Vallance and Roger King - Salford Software
Peter Holland - SSL
Ted Golton - Rutherford
Mike Geary - NAG
3. Minutes of the last meeting (26 November 1992)
There were some minor corrections:
- Ben Roston should read Ben Ralston
- Point 5 - last paragraph, last sentence, delete "we are aware of".
- It was also agreed not to use abbreviations for Fortran 90.
Apart from the above the minutes were accepted as a true record.
4. Matters Arising
Electronic version of Fortran 90 standard. Following the copy of an
electronic mail announcement provided by Miles with the minutes of the
last meeting, Tim Bartle said he would provide details of how to contact
Walt Brainerd's company (Unicomp Inc) in California, who are providing
the electronic versions.
[Full details have been supplied by Miles and are appended to these
[The appendix is no longer available.]
Fortran Magazine. Chris Lazou has received a slightly lower estimate
from BCS HQ for the cost of printing a Newsletter/ Magazine than that
provided by Miles Ellis. Tim Bartle suggested that commercial vendors
might be interested in buying a number of copies for distribution to their
customers. He thought that Salford Software would be interested in this.
Chris Lazou also suggested possible European distribution through
National Standards Bodies (AFNOR, DIN, etc.) and/or Professional
After some further discussion, Miles Ellis offered to present a complete
proposal for a two year experiment to the AGM on Thursday 20 May,
including commercial sponsorship. Members could then decide whether
to do it, or whether to abandon any further discussion of this topic.
ACTION: Miles Ellis
5. Treasurers report
In the absence of the Treasurer (who arrived later), Chris Lazou reported
briefly that a membership list has now been sorted out and also that a new
cheque book had to be issued to the FSG stating on it that it was a charity.
6. Report from X3J3 Representative - Miles Ellis
Miles was not present at the last X3J3 meeting. He is awaiting a report on
email which he will include in these minutes!
[No such report was included.]
7. A one day Forum on HPF and Fortran 90
Chris Lazou asked if anyone would be willing to get involved or help
organise this Forum, which would be jointly sponsored by the Parallel
Processing and Fortran SGs. It will be a BCS event probably titled "Fortran
Directions" and will be held in the autumn. It was suggested that a venue
outside London be considered, and Peter Crouch offered to ask the
Birmingham branch if anyone there would be interested to help; he will
report back to Chris Lazou.
A general discussion was held with a number of ideas and suggestions
relating to location and sponsorship. A meeting will be organised to
discuss the contents of the Forum.
8. Any other business
John Young reported that Cambridge Market Intelligence are publishing a
diary which publishes dates and details of meetings, seminars, confer-
ences, etc. They charge £10 for a standard entry. Chris Lazou suggested
that John liaise with CMI to arrange for a free copy which the group will
then evaluate and then consider whether to have an entry in the second
ACTION: John Young
John Young will forward a copy of the minutes of the last AGM to Miles
Ellis for distribution with these minutes. He will also forward a list of
committee members.
David Harris from Oxcom Computer Services Ltd expressed his interest to
Mike Nunn, to be secretary to the Fortran Specialist Group. Chris Lazou
will liaise with Mike Nunn.
ACTION: Chris Lazou
The group was reminded that proposals were required for Officers to serve
from the next AGM. Chris Lazou indicated that he was willing to
continue as Chair unless someone else wished to "have a go"; John Young
made a similar comment as current Vice-Chairman. There were no
dissenting voices from those present to their continuing in office!
After some discussion, it was decided not to schedule any meetings after
the AGM, so that the AGM could decide on future policy. In particular,
there was some consensus for the view that the Group should, at least for
the time being, abandon its policy of regular quarterly meetings, with
business in the morning and a talk or presentation in the afternoon, in
favour of a more varied programme based around a major presentation
and/ or a workshop.
The next meeting is the AGM on Thursday 20 May 1993
The meeting adjourned for lunch just before 1.00 p.m.
Presentation by Ian Reekie (Product Manager, INSTRUMATIC UK Ltd.)
In the afternoon, there was a most interesting presentation on The application of
metrics, methods and tools for software maintenance and re-use, followed by a
demonstration of the McCabe Toolset with both C and Fortran 77 programs.