The next meeting of the Fortran Specialist Group will
be held on Thursday 6th February 1992 from 10.30am to 4.30pm
at BCS, 13 Mansfield Street, London.
The morning meeting will be normal business including a
report from the X3J3 representative. There will also be a
discussion on the Group's Draft Constitution which may be
formally proposed at the AGM in May.
The afternoon session will be on the subject of Data
Structures in Fortran 90 and will be an informal discussion
as we have been unable to find any speakers. If you have
any knowledge of this subject do please come along and tell
the meeting about your work.
Please bring this notice to the attention of any col-
leagues likely to be interested: we particularly welcome
newcomers to the Group whether members of BCS or not.
Click here for the minutes of this meeting. Links below
are to specific sections of the minutes.
10.30 am l. Welcome coffee and biscuits
11.00 am 2. Apologies for absence
3. Minutes of the meeting of 16 May 1991
4. Matters arising
5. Report from X3J3 Representative
6. The Draft Constitution of the Group
7. BCS and any other business
2.00 pm 8. BCS and any other business
9. Data Structures in Fortran 90
John Young, Secretary.
Tel: 0734 814111 Ext 6292.