The next meeting of the Group will be held on Thursday
29 June 1989 from 10.30am to 4.30pm at BCS HQ, 13 Mansfield
Street, London.
This is the last meeting of the Group before the
important WG5 meeting in Ispra, the X3J3 meeting in Vienna, and
the final public review period of Fortran 88 begins. The
morning will be normal business including a report from the
recent X3J3 meeting in New York. It is also hoped to make
arrangements for our last Fortran Forum on Fortran 88.
The afternoon session will commence with a talk from
Mike Gunn, the convener of the Fortran on PC's sub-group.
This is the presentation of the work over the past year that
Mike was unable to give at Oxford. However, it is unfair to
expect Mike to talk for 2 hours so there will be other
speakers to tell us of their experiences using Fortran on
PC's and of the particular 'brand' of Fortran they use. If
you would like to share your experiences with us please do
come along. There is no need for a formal presentation as
the intention is to make the afternoon informal. Among the
speakers who have said they will talk is Carol Hewlett from
the LSE and David Butland from Bradford University.
Please bring this notice to the attention of any col-
leagues likely to be interested: we particularly welcome
newcomers to the Group whether members of BCS or not.
Click here for the minutes of this meeting. Links below are to specific
sections of the minutes.
10.30 am 1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of the last meeting
3. Matters arising
4. Report from X3J3 Representative
5. Fortran Forum 1989
6. BCS and any other business
2.00 pm "Fortran on PC's"
Mike Gunn - University of Surrey.
Carol Hewlett - LSE
David Butland - Bradford University
John Young, Secretary.
Tel: 0734 814111 Ext 6292.
Member David Muxworthy has informed us that in 1990 the
Group will be 20 years old. It was decided at the April AGM
that an appropriate celebration will be organised for the
AGM next April. However, the first meeting of the Group
actually took place on Tuesday, 6th January, 1970 to
"Discuss the formation of a Specialist Group for the FORTRAN
language: standards, restrictions, and recommended
extensions". Member Peter Holland who attended this first
meeting was also at the AGM in Oxford.
The Group commends the tremendous efforts made by its
members involved in the work of the Standards Committees
X3J3 and WG5. This time last year it became apparent that
there was the possibility of having no new standard, or even
two standards. The deadlock has only been resolved by an
enormous amount of hard work and compromise by a large
number of people. The Group congratulates everyone involved
in bringing Fortran 88 to fruition and passes on the heart-
felt thanks of all involved in Fortran.
l989-l990 PROGRAMME
The officers of the Group have decided to arrange a pro-
gramme on a yearly basis with speakers booked well in
advance. This will relieve the Secretary John Young of some
of the administrative burden and hopefully create more
interest in the Group. With the imminent publication of the
Fortran 88 standard the Group will be able to offer a
greater variety of speakers as the Fortran world's interest
in standards takes a 'nose-dive' to 9y.
The dates of the meetings for the year are:-
Thursday, 29th June, 1989
Thursday, 26th October, 1989
Thursday, 25th January, 1990
Thursday, 5th April, 1990