Present: Mike Bell - Middlesex Polytechnic
Mike Bennett - CEGB Training College
Duncan Browne - Watson Calculating Services
Francis Cox - Swifte Computer Systems
Ray Crawford - RAE Pyestock
Shah Datardina - NAG
Miles Ellis - Oxford University CTC
Bill Flexner - retired
Dave Griffiths - SSF
Carol Hewlett - LSE
Peter Holland - SSL
Chris Lazou - ULCC
Clive Massey - SWURCC
Brian Meek - Kings College, London
Mike Nunn - CCTA
Denis Parkinson - QMC
T. van Raalte - MOD (PE)
John Stratford - QMC Computer Centre
Tony Webster - Salford University
Alan Wilson - ICL/AMT
John Wilson - Leicester University
John Young - MOD (PE)
Apologies were received from Mike Geary, Alan Jenyon, Heather
Liddell, David Muxworthy, John Reid and Lawrie Schonfelder.
Correction to p6, final paragraph:
.....the UK voted "Yes with comments" to releasing the 8X
draft for public comment.
Brian Meek mentioned that BSI is already receiving reports
from various people on the "8X" draft. When the final version
is released by X3J3 for public review, the BSI Fortran panel
will be reconvened to formulate a UK response and our Group
will be expected to provide an authoritative view.
(i) BCS is launching a publicity campaign to encourage
people to apply for the Chartered Engineer status - see
March edition of "Computing".
(ii) The Software Engineering Technical Committee of BCS
recently invited our Group to send a representative
its meetings. So far our chairman, John Wilson, has
taken on this role but can no longer afford the time.
Therefore we need a volunteer to take this function
over - please note that expenses incurred in attending
are reimbursed by BCS. John would like to hear from
anyone interested in becoming our representative and
can supply more information about what is involved.
(iii) Brian Meek drew attention to a joint BSI/BCS Group
which meets from time to time to discuss activities
Standards. He himself is a member.
(iv) BCS HQ is drawing up a list of nominations for
distinguished fellows. Anyone in the Fortran Group
with suggestions should pass them forward.
(v) Suggestions for talks at future meetings of our Group
Fortran on small parallel processors
Fortran 8X compared with Ada
Alan Wilson reported that editorial work on the 8X draft was
completed at the last meeting of X3J3 and a vote will take
place to decide on its readiness for submission to the X3
parent committee prior to a release for public review. According to
Miles Ellis, Jeanne Adams believes it may even be possible to release
the draft for public comment in parallel with its consideration by X3.
Our Group will arrange to get copies which will be purchasable as part
of the booking fee for those attending the Forum. It will probably also
be possible to offer a summary document for those preferring it. The
date for the Forum will be established when the release date for
the 8X draft is known. It will be organised by a subcommittee
including Chris Lazou, John Wilson, John Reid and Miles Ellis.
6. AGM
(i) The following officers were nominated for 1987/8 and
elected unopposed:
Chairman - John Wilson
Vice-chairman - Chris Lazou
Secretary - Mike Nunn
Treasurer - Miles Ellis
(ii) In the absence of the previous Treasurer, John Dyke, no
statement of accounts was available at the meeting.
However, John has now put the necessary statistics
together - see appendix A.
(i) Miles Ellis reported that there had been a letter ballot
of X3J3 members over Christmas on the suitability of the
8X draft. Thousands of comments were received and all
had to be processed. A sub-group of X3J3 including
Jeanne Adams met at Albuquerque in January to work
through them and put them into categories eg "editorial",
"matters of great substance, whether in, or out" etc..
So, at the later Los Angeles meeting an indexed
list of comments was available with their relative
importance signified. The LA meeting mainly concerned
itself with editorial work; only one significant technical
change was made. Miles himself proposed that there
should be something in the Standard about processors
being required to report deviations from the language as
specified by Fortran 8X syntax laws. Jeanne Adams was
also in favour and this idea was incorporated.
(ii) "No" votes on the suitability of the 8X draft were
registered by DEC, Unisys, Cray, IBM, Boeing & Peritus.
Reasons included:
IBM- thought there should be two languages, viz (i)
F77, plus a few extensions. (ii) everything else
which should be processed in some other way (e.g.
a Journal of Development).
DEC - want to take some things out.
CRAY - objections were either editorial or where they
saw technical holes.
Because there was so much work to do in LA an extra
meeting was convened for Albuquerque, where Alan Wilson
said that 3500 edits were completed. A tremendous job
had been done in this respect by Lloyd Campbell who had
also been responsible for editing the F77 standard.
Walt Brainerd arranged for the document to be printed
before the following meeting in Seattle. John Reid's
reports on the latest X3J3 meetings appear in Appendix B.
(iii) Our X3J3 representatives were asked why some suppliers
were against the 8X draft. Miles Ellis said that IBM
believed most users would not want the new features and
the fact that a more complete language might run slower
was also unattractive to them. DEC was possibly against
it because it had already invested a great deal of
effort into F77 extensions in its current Fortran
(iv) Ray Crawford (RAE) asked about security features in the
8X Standard. Alan Wilson and Miles Ellis said there was
nothing because this was a function of the operating
system rather than a compiler.
(i) NCC had provided some documentary materials on how the
compiler validation services for Fortran and Cobol
(ii) John Wilson had given a talk on Fortran 8X to the
previous week's DECUS meeting in York. Response to the
language likely to emerge as 8X had been generally
At the afternoon session Professor Denis Parkinson (Queen Mary
College and Active Memory Technology Ltd.) gave a talk on the
AMT DAP-3. A summary appears in Appendix C.
The next meeting of the Group will take place on Thursday 2nd
July between 11am and 4pm at Coventry Polytechnic - see map
and directions attached. In the afternoon, starting at
1.45pm, there will be a talk on "Productivity Tools for
Fortran Programmers" by John Appleyard of Production Software.
One of our Group, Mike Metcalf of CERN, has written a book on
Fortran 77 which is described in Appendix D.
Secretary, BCS Fortran Specialist Group
18th May, 1987.
13 Mansfield Street, London w1M 0BP
Fortran Specialist Group
Receipts & Payments Account for the year ended 30th April, 1987
(Please submit to HQ by 25th May)
Budget |
Actual |
£p |
Balance at start: |
Bank: Account 'A' |
384.40 |
Account 'B' |
900.00 |
Cash: |
Add Receipts: |
Group Subscriptions |
15.00 |
Cash received from HQ against Budget |
0.00 |
Cost of HQ services, as notified |
384.87 |
Cash received from HQ for projects |
- |
Bank deposit interest received |
46.83 |
Net income from Special Events: |
- |
Social Evenings, Conferences, etc |
(see separate statements attached) |
Net income from Branch Sub-Groups: |
- |
(See separate statements attached) |
Other income received (please specify) |
- |
Total: Balance + Receipts |
1731.10 |
Less Payments: |
Meeting expenditure |
11.35 |
Mailing expenditure |
Secretarial expenditure |
Committee expenditure |
Professional services |
Cost of HQ services received: (as notified) |
384.87 |
Project expenditure: (see separate statements attached) |
Net expenditure on Special Events: (See separate statements attached) |
Net expenditure on Branch Sub-Groups: (See separate statements attached) |
Other expenditure (please specify) |
Total Payments: |
396.22 |
(A) 1334.88 |
Made up of: |
Bank: Account 'A' |
373.05 |
Account 'B' |
961.83 |
Cash: |
Total Balance: |
(B) 1334.88 |
£ |
Balance as per Bank Statements: |
'A' Account (current) |
373.05 |
'B' Account (deposit) |
961.83 |
Less: Unpresented cheques: |
'A' Account |
1334.88 |
BCS Fortran Specialist Group - Income and Expenditure - as at 30.4.87
Income |
BCS grant to offset charges at HQ |
384.87 |
Subscriptions from non-BCS members |
15.00 |
Interest on Deposit Account |
46.83 |
Total income |
446.70 |
Expenditure |
Meeting Date |
25/07/87 |
16/10/87 |
08/01/87 |
02/04/87 |
Mailing of agenda and minutes: |
Stationery and printing |
52.30 |
31.70 |
30.56 |
Labels |
2.00 |
4.87 |
2.00 |
2.00 |
Stuffing |
4.00 |
7.50 |
4.50 |
Postage |
32.07 |
42.00 |
34.74 |
_____ |
Sub-total |
90.37 |
86.07 |
71.80 |
2.00 |
Equipment hire |
18.00 |
Catering |
15.40 |
17.50 |
Speakers refreshments |
11.35 |
____ |
_____ |
_____ |
Meeting total |
127.12 |
86.07 |
89.80 |
19.50 |
322.49 |
ANSI X3J3 Observers fee |
73.73 |
Total Expenditure |
396.22 |
Excess of income over expenditure |
50.48 |
446.70 |
BCS Fortran Specialist Group - Balance - as at 30.4.87 |
Opening Balance - 1.5.86 : |
Account A (current account) |
384.40 |
Account B (deposit account) |
900.00 |
Total |
1284.40 |
Closing Balance - 30.4.87 : |
Account A (current account) |
373.05 |
Account B (deposit account) |
961.83 |
Sub-total |
1334.88 |
Excess of income over expenditure |
-50.48 |
Total |
1284.40 |
To: ISO, Fortran Forum, BCS, NAG, etc.
From: John Reid
Date: 30 March 1987
Subject: X3J3 meeting in Albuquerque
Note: This is a personal report of the meeting and in no sense
does it constitute an official record of it.
1. Summary
This was technically a continuation of the February
meeting, called because of the volume of comments received
with the ballots. About half the members were present,
including almost all those who suggested large numbers of
changes. It was a very hard-working and productive meeting
and at its end everyone seemed satisfied that the comments
had been considered adequately. The plan is to incorporate
all the accepted changes into the draft Standard and vote on
the resulting document at the beginning of the May meeting.
I am expecting to find it ready for release for public
comment and am hoping that the necessary two-thirds of the
Committee will too. We need also to respond formally to all
those who submitted comments. Constructing and approving
these responses will be a significant task for the May
The bulk of the changes were editorial and the details
are not interesting to readers of this report. We did,
however, make a change to the default implicit rules
(Section 2), that I find very welcome; change the syntax of
DO ( ) TIMES (Section 3), again a change that I welcome;
and there were various minor technical changes and
clarifications (Section 4).
2. The default IMPLICIT rules
The default IMPLICIT rules were complicated and several
members commented adversely in their ballots. I was not one
of them, but was keen to see a change, so I participated in
a small working party and co-authored a paper during the
meeting. We proposed that in a nested set of scoping units,
each should take for its default the IMPLICIT rules of its
host, with the Fortran 77 default in the outermost one. In
each scoping unit, IMPLICIT rules might be used to override
the defaults for any or all of the letters. Safe practice
is to use IMPLICIT NONE, particularly in inner scopes, but
we felt that it is wrong that sometimes this should be the
default and sometimes the Fortran 77 rules should be the
default. Also it should be possible to define the IMPLICIT
rules throughout the whole of a program unit by a single
statement at its head. We were encouraged by very
favourable straw votes and the proposal passed (15-0).
3. The syntax of the DO statement
Larry Rolison suggested that the syntax of the statement
DO (scalar-int-expr TIMES)
be replaced by
DO (scalar-int-expr) TIMES
in order to make parsing easier. The Committee was rather
undecided about whether such a change was really necessary,
but eventually approved it (10-5). I have been asked for
this change, and supported it.
4. Miscellaneous minor changes and clarifications
It was decided to allow a specification expression to refer to
the result of another specification expression, for example
only if the expression referenced comes earlier in the
specification sequence. This disallows such a case as
It was agreed that constant arrays may have the RANGE attribute.
It was decided to allow construct names to be used on
ELSE IF, ELSE, and CASE statements.
Automatic arrays are arrays that are not dummy
arguments but have variable extents. It was decided to use
the term "automatic object" for both these and structures
with varying type parameters since these have similar
properties. For example, matrix arithmetic might be
implemented by a type MATRIX that had parameters for the
numbers of rows and columns. Automatic objects are created
on entry to a procedure and lost on return.
It was decided (8-5) not to permit statement functions
in modules.
Wording was accepted (13-0) to clarify the rules that
an alias may have only one parent. It is acceptable for an
alias to be associated with two subobjects of the same named
5. Next meeting of X3J3
The next meeting of X3J3 will be in Seattle, 11-15 May.
The premeeting deadline is April 6.
[the following report was written after the Fortran SG meeting of
1 April 1987 but was included with the minutes of that meeting.]
To: Fortran Forum, BCS, NAG, etc.
From: John Reid
Subject: X3J3 meeting in Seattle
Date: 18 May 1987
Note: This is a personal report of the meeting and in no sense does
it constitute an official record of it.
1. Summary
The meeting was devoted to deciding whether to send the
current draft standard to X3, the parent committee, and
processing the responses to the comments made by members
with their letter ballots on this issue. The decision was
"yes", but the vote (26-9) was such that there is likely to
be a delay before the draft is released for public comment
while X3 considers the comments accompanying the "no" votes.
This was a disappointment to those of us who wish to see the
public comment period beginning as soon as possible, but at
least we have reached another formal milestone.
Some editorial changes were made (few compared with the
previous meeting) and one technical change was made (see
section 6). It was a tense meeting and there was some
discussion of the membership rules, but the friendly
personal relationships that are a hallmark of X3J3 were
2. X3J3 secretary
Jeanne Martin has resigned as secretary and I have been
appointed in her place. She has performed her duties very
competently and conscientiously since 1982 and was warmly
applauded by the committee to mark its appreciation. I
thought hard about whether to accept and decided to do so
only on conditions that will greatly reduce the burden and
that I thought might be unacceptable because the quality of
the minutes will deteriorate. I am recording formal
decisions only and relying on committee members to provide
scribe notes that I will use to construct the minutes by
"cutting and sticking". Since I always have recorded the
committee decisions for myself, this will make little
difference to my participation in technical discussions.
I would like to make it clear that as secretary I will
do my best to ensure that the minutes are an accurate and
unbiased record of the meeting, but these notes are personal
notes and do include my personal opinions. They are
constructed by making minor changes to a report that I write
for people in my own organisation to explain how I have been
representing them.
3. Voting during the public comment period
The chairman has received a ruling from X3 on changing
the draft standard during the public comment period. A new
standing document (S12) will be created, starting with the
present draft standard. Previously, it had been assumed
that changes to S12 could be made by normal majority votes
and that the 2/3 rule would apply only to the final adoption
of S12 as a replacement for S8. However, we have been told
that a 2/3 vote is required for all changes to S12.
Personally, I approve of the rule; if about half the
committee think one way and the other half think the other,
I think that we should keep what we have. However, the
immediate effect is that those that do not like aspects of
the present draft are concerned that it will be harder to
make future changes. This was a reason for several "no"
4. The ballot on forwarding the draft
The vote in the January letter ballot was 29-7 in
favour. The changes since then were as follows: Dick
Hendrickson (Cray) switched from "no" to "yes", being
satisfied with the responses to his comments. One member
who voted "yes" has left the committee. Three members were
absent (two "yes" votes and one "no" vote in the letter
ballot). There were three new members (two "yes" and one
"no" vote). Three members switched from "yes" to "no".
Thus the final vote was 26-9 in favour. The following voted "no":
Steve Adamcyzk (Adv. Comp. Tech.) voted "yes" in the letter
ballot, saying "I do not agree with everything in
the draft, but it is a reasonable compromise and
is ready to go out for public comment". He now
thinks that it should be limited to
standardizing existing practice and should
contain more explanatory text to assist public comment.
Bob Allison (Harris) voted "yes" in the letter ballot,
saying that he had serious misgivings but was
willing to see if a public review indicates that
the public has similar misgivings. He was
surprised by the large number of comments and
worried by the clarification of the 2/3 majority
rule, which will make it more difficult to change
the draft during the public comment period.
Valerie Bowe (Unisys) reaffirmed her letter ballot.
Kevin Harris (DEC) reaffirmed his letter ballot.
Alex Marusak (Los Alamos) voted "yes" in the letter ballot
but changed to "no" because the clarification of
the 2/3 rule will make it harder to change the
draft. In particular, he wants to add BIT type.
Len Moss (SLAC) was represented by Sunny Sund, who reaffirmed his
vote and was concerned about the 2/3 rule.
Ivor Phillips (Boeing) reaffirmed his "no" vote.
Alison Wearing (NCC, Manchester) is a new member who feels that the
document is not sufficiently well written.
Dick Weaver (IBM) reaffirmed his "no" vote.
5. Membership rules
There was some discussion of the membership rules.
Familiarity with the whole language will become very
important during the public comment period. In fact, a new
member has only to attend one meeting on provisional status
and is thus given preference over an old member who reverts
to provisional status if he or she has not attended two of
the previous three meetings. There was sentiment at least
to apply to the same rule to new members as old ones, but
the standing rules may not allow this.
6. Changes to SET RANGE
At the request of implementors, it was decided that an
array with the attribute RANGE should have no effective
shape until a SET RANGE statement is executed for it.
7. Interpretation of the LEN function in Fortran 77
The committee received a request from Andrew Tait of
Amdahl for an interpretation of permissible arguments for
the LEN function. He was told that in a standard-conforming
program, the argument must be an expression and not an array
or procedure name.
8. Multibyte character sets
Akio Aoyama and Hideo Wada from Japan made a request
for X3J3 to consider character sets, such as Kanji, that
need a two-byte representation. One possibility might be to
introduce another type parameter for type CHARACTER, with a
default value that corresponds to the usual one-byte
representation. X3J3 pointed out that characters may
presently be implemented in more than one byte, but this
would probably be too inefficient. Another possibility is
to set up an intrinsic module, though i/o may be awkward.
The committee decided to explore this further as an example
of the use of modules.
9. Presentation by David Jones of Microsoft
Microsoft has its headquarters nearby, and David Jones
requested to make a short presentation. He was satisfied
with the quality of the document and estimated that Fortran
8x is about double the size of Fortran 77. In a user
survey, he found little interest in the Fortran 8x features
but a demand for common mainframe extensions.
10. Date of next meeting
The next X3J3 meeting will be in Liverpool, August
10-14. Contact J.L. Schonfelder, Computer Laboratory,
University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3BX, if you wish to
attend. ISO/TC97/SC22/WG5 is also meeting in Liverpool,
August 3-7. Again, contact J.L. Schonfelder for details.
Professor Denis Parkinson (QMC/AMT)
Active Memory Technology is a totally new company set up recently to
exploit the ICL DAP. It could be considered a "management buyout" from
ICL. Most of its funding is venture capital. ICL itself only holds a
minority of AMT shares. Patents on DAP are now owned by AMT. (ICL
will remain as distributor for DAP in the defence market place).
AMT staff currently number 22 but are expected to 60 by the end of 1987.
Two product ranges are being developed - the DAP 500 and 700 series
[Nb "5" stands for 2**5 i.e. 32 x 32 and "7" for 2**7 i.e. 128 X 128].
Specifications will be:
DAP 510-4 4Mb memory 32x32 l0mHz
510-8 8Mb memory l0mHz
510-32 32Mb memory 5mHz
DAP 700 series 128x128
Beta testing of DAP 500 will take place at QMC this Autumn then elsewhere
in early 1988.
AMT DAP is an attached processor to a host running UNIX. First hosts will
be Microvaxs and SUN workstations. Channel connection allows real-time
online graphics capability.
AMT DAP offers very high powered interactive computing power on the desk -
equivalent, say, to 0.25xCRAYl or l000xVAX 11/780. But cost is only £100k
for 32x32 DAP + 4 Mb of memory.
State of Development of AMT DAP
A machine is running in an office environment at QMC and four others
are installed at Reading. Compared with the old ICL DAP, DAP-3 uses
new chips housing 64 processors. It also offers greater reliability by
doubling up the processing elements to check results by duplicating
all calculations i.e. processing elements are effectively 32x32x2.
Fortran - AMT offer Fortran Plus which is
Fortran77 with array facilities.
Subroutine Library - a set of high level utility routines
for aiding program development is offered.
Runtime support/ - tools are offered to permit interactive
debugging examination of DAP's state on error conditions.
- typical source level debugging aids are available.
Simulator - a crosscompiler which can run on several hosts
produces code in development mode to simulate DAP.
All the above software is now running on SUNs and PERQs. Manuals are
currently in production.
Professor Parkinson said that the ICL DAP had been ahead of its time,
but not enough funds were available to fully exploit it. One
limitation was that it had to be attached to large 2900
mainframes. However, a large potential market for a DAP-type machine
was with attachment to hosts such as VAXs, but ICL was not in a
position to exploit this so an initiative had to come from outside the
company. ICL also felt that DAP was not to the forefront of its
mainstream efforts, but was to be congratulated in that, although it
was not in a position to further exploit it itself, it was happy to
help a new venture like AMT to do so.
For experienced programmers who want a faster and more complete approach
A practical and up-to-date guide to FORTRAN 77
The only available book at this level
Written by a central figure in the world of FORTRAN
At present FORTRAN 77 is the only practical computer language for large-scale
scientific, numerical, and engineering applications. This book provides a concise
but complete description of FORTRAN 77 firmly based on the standard, and
practical advice on program portability, style, design, efficiency, testing, and
documentation. lt is ideal for those who work in the real world of FORTRAN