The next meeting of the Group will be held on Thursday 16th October 1986
from 10:30 to 16:00 at the European Centre for Medium Range Weather
Forecasts, Shinfield Park, Reading.
Please bring this notice to the attention of any colleagues
who may be interested; newcomers to the Group are very welcome.
Click here for the minutes of this meeting. Links below are to specific
sections of the minutes.
10:30 1. Apologies for absence.
2. Minutes of previous meeting
3. Matters arising.
4. BCS business.
5. Progress on Fortran 8x at X3J3.
6. Any other business.
7. Date of next meeting.
14:00 8. Talks on ECMWF - its role, computing activities and
experiences with Fortran
by Andrew Lea (ECMWF User Support) and Rex Gibson
(ECMWF Meteorological Applications Section).
9. Talk on Fortran 8X - an overview
by John Reid (Harwell).
[The booking form for this meeting, mentioned in the minutes, is not
available for reproduction.]