Minutes of Meeting Held at BCS HQ on 10 June 1985
Present: I D Hill - MRC
Chris Lazou - ULCC
Brian Meek - QEC
Keith Normington - Coventry Polytechnic
Mike Nunn - CCTA
John Wilson - Leicester University
Chairman John Wilson
Computer Laboratory
University of Leicester
Telephone: 0533 554455
Vice-chairman Keith Normington
Computer Centre
Coventry (Lanchester) Polytechnic
Secretary Mike Nunn
Riverwalk House
157 Millbank
Treasurer John Dyke
Huntingdon Research Centre
PE13 6ES
1. Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from John Reid (Harwell), David Muxworthy
(Edinburgh University), Lawrie Schonfelder (Liverpool University) and
Dave Vallance (Salford University).
2. Minutes of Last Meeting [11 March 1985]
(i) Corrections
Page 2 paragraph 1:
"David Maxworthy" should read "David Muxworthy".
Page 2 "Matters Arising"
David Hill has discovered that at the time of the March
meeting, the BSI Standard document "Method of Specifying
Requirements for FORTRAN Language Processors" had yet to
go out for public comment.
3. Matters Arising
(i) It was agreed that the Secretary should invite someone from
NCC to give a talk on Fortran compiler validation at our
September meeting.
(ii) The Chairman would send details of the Group's meetings to
Computer Weekly for publicity purposes.
(iii) The Chairman would be writing to individual members seeking
views on the future of the Group, and the content of meetings in
particular. Recent attendances had been very disappointing
and members could not expect to adopt a completely passive
role with the Group's existence depending on a lot of effort
by a relatively few members who regularly attend meetings.
(iv) Suggested talks at future meetings included:
December 1985 - John Reid (Harwell), who attends X3J3 meetings
to talk on areas of "8x" of particular interest to the Group.
March 1986 - a panel discussion with 6 people to recount their
experience with Fortran on micros.
[Any other suggestions for future talks should be sent to
the Secretary]
On this occasion none of the regular UK attendees at X3J3 meetings was able
to be present to talk about recent "8x" progress. However, John Reid
(Harwell) has supplied an in depth account of the most recent X3J3 meeting
at Urbana, 6-10 May 1985. (See Appendix A1). [Thanks again John]. "8x"
would of course be the subject of the July 1985 "Fortran Forum" organised
by the Group in London. Would anyone with views on the content of "8x"
please complete questionnaire supplied by John Reid in Appendix E.
5. BCS Business
A detailed statement of the Group's accounts for the last financial year
appears in appendix B.
6. "Fortran Forum 85"
"Fortran Forum 85" organised by the Group would take place at the
Institute of Education, London on 15th July. Leading members of
X3J3 who had been attending the first X3J3 meeting outside North
America at Oxford (see Appendix A2) would be presenting the contents of
the forthcoming standard "Fortran 8x".
Compared with the published programme (see appendix C) there would be
two changes viz
(i) Neldon Marshall.would give the "8x" overview instead of Walt Brainerd
(ii) Lawrie Schonfelder would talk on "numeric precision" instead of
"deprecated features".
[NB. "Fortran Forum" took place very successfully with a large, enthusiastic
turnout and will be discussed at next Group meeting and in next newsletter -
7. Any Other Business
NCC have recently produced validation reports on the Fortran 77 compilers
from Salford University (for Prime Systems), Norsk Data (for NORD-100 and
NORD-500 systems) and Acorn.
Copies of the reports are available for free on application to:
Vony Gwillim
Senior Consultant
Standardisation Office
The National Computing Centre Ltd
Oxford Road
Manchester M1 7ED Tel: 061 2286333
8. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Group will be held on Monday September 16th 1985
from 10.45 am to 4.00 pm in Room E201 Birkbeck College, London.
In the afternoon, David Littlewood of NCC will give a talk on how the
NCC/FSTS Fortran compiler testing service operates.
9. BSI Standard - "Method for Specifying Requirements for Fortran Language
At the afternoon session, Brian Meek (Queen Elizabeth College) of the BSI
Committee gave a talk on the new BSI Standard "Method for Specifying
Requirements for FORTRAN Language Processors." A summary of this appears
in appendix D.
20 August 1985
To: NAG, BCS, etc.
From: John Reid
Date: 17 May 1985
Subject: Report on X3J3 meeting at Urbana, 6-10 May 1985
[1] 94(*)RWW-1 Proposal to organize two task groups
[2] 94(*)EAJ-1 Surveys
[3] 93(*)JCA-S9-1 SAIC report to J3 on reliability problems
[4] 94(18)AW/JKR-1 Changes to Section 12 of S8
[5] 94(*)KH-1 Method of paring S8
[6] 94(*)KH-2 Trial set of operating principles.
1. Summary
The meeting itself, and work before the meeting, was dominated
Dick Weaver's proposal (see paragraph 2) to divide the committee
into two task groups. Dick 'phoned all members in order to stimulate
discussion and conduct his own straw poll. The steering committee was
unanimously opposed and responded by redoubling its efforts to produce
the draft standard, S8 (see paragraph 6). The proposal failed (8-25),
and a task group was set up to explore other ways of reducing the size
of the language. It will bring a proposal to the next meeting.
The rest of the time was largely spent on detailed consideration
of S8. By the end of the meeting the committee was its usual cheerful
self, choosing to accept both Lloyd Campbell's alternatives for
trimming trailing blanks from character expressions rather than one of
Please note that this is a personal view of the meeting and in no
sense an official record.
2. Weaver proposal for two task groups
Dick Weaver proposed that the committee should divide into two
task groups and produce two standards. 'Revised Fortran' would be
upwards compatible with Fortran 77 and contain, in general, array
features, numeric precision, bit data, i/o enhancements, F77
clarifications, CASE, call statement enhancements, IMPLICIT NONE, and
block DO. 'Modern Fortran' would consist of revised Fortran (either
with or without deprecated Fortran 77 features) plus the rest of
Fortran 8x, that is plus modules, internal procedures, recursive
procedures, derived data types and exception handling.
The committee was seriously divided on this issue. Most of the
vendors favoured it strongly because of wanting a less major and fully
compatible extension of Fortran 77. The users (and a few vendors)
were not convinced that 'Modern Fortran' would be taken seriously and
therefore saw the proposal as a major reduction in the power and
utility of Fortran 8x. No one spoke of this proposal as a means of
speeding the eventual adoption of the whole of Fortran 8x. Several
disapproved of any attempt to split the language into subsets.
An initial straw vote among members only was 11-2O-4 and after
spending most of Monday in full committee discussing the issue, a
further straw vote was virtually identical (11-20-3). Weaver then
petitioned for the issue to be resolved by a postal vote of all
members. Under X3 rules, such a petition must be signed by five
members and four of Weaver's supporters promised to do so. I felt
that this was a disastrous outcome. The issue would not be resolved
for at least two months, during which time no serious attempt would be
made to look for a proposal that might meet general approval. It
would be very hard during the rest of the meeting and in the interval
before the next meeting for the committee to concentrate with energy
on the urgent task of writing its draft standard, S8. However
overnight at least one of the petitioners, Ned McCall, withdrew his
support from the petition and it was not presented. A roll-call vote
was taken on Tuesday morning and the proposal failed 8-25.
3. Surveys
In an attempt to address Weaver's points, the committee members
were asked to complete a survey sheet which asked for votes on whether
the language is too big, which of a list of features might be deleted,
and which of the deprecated features should be retained. I found this
very hard to complete because I thought that a well-researched proposal
for careful pruning was needed rather than a hasty proposal for
wholesale lopping of a few features. In the end I said this and voted
only for removal of vector-valued array sections (I believe that their
functionality would be much better provided as a pair of intrinsic
functions, but my last year's proposal for this failed). On the
deprecated features, I tried a new criterion: include only those for
which a replacement is available in Fortran 77 (this is based on the
feedback I am getting re deprecation). The results of the survey are
given in attachment I to [2]. Based on this survey and the FIB
survey, Andy Johnson [2] proposed
(1) Remove DO from deprecated list (see paragraph 10, below)
(2) Remove nX editing from deprecated list.
(3) Remove keyword arguments from Fortran 8x.
(4) Remove condition/enable from Fortran 8x.
(5) Remove vector-valued subscripts from Fortran 8x.
(6) Remove variant structures from Fortran 8x.
(7) Remove insignificant blanks from deprecated list.
This proposal was not put because it was not in the pre meeting
distribution, but a straw vote was favourable (25-5-5). Another straw
vote showed that the committee feels that the language is too large
(24-10-4) and would still be too large if Andy's proposal had been
passed (19-10-5).
A straw vote asking whether there should be any subsets gave the
answer 'no' (6-23-8).
4. Task group op reducing the size of Fortran 8x
A task group was formed to consider how a comprehensive proposal
to reduce Fortran 8x might be formulated, and it met in subgroup time.
It proposed the adoption of a set of operating principles and that
each present 8x feature and any incoming feature should be judged
against these principles. The group hoped in this way to formulate a
comprehensive proposal for the reduction of 8x. This would be voted
as a whole, rather than piecemeal, in view of the failure of the hit-
list approach. References [5] and [6] discuss the approach in more
detail. The proposed operating principles, in priority order, were
(l) Compatibility with F77
(2) Standardization of existing practice
(3) Performance
(4) Functional capability
(5) Completeness
(6) Ease of implementation
(7) Fortran-like
(8) Timely adoption of the standard.
Not everyone agreed on the list and the order of priority. Indeed one
actually wanted the order to be reversed. I complained about the
omission of safety (though reliability and maintainability were
mentioned as sub-sub-headings of (4), under the sub-heading of
'compile-time'). No formal decision on adoption of these principles
was made, though a comprehensive proposal to reduce 8x will be put to
the next meeting.
5. Berns presentation on reliability
Gerry Berns wrote a thoughtful letter [3] to the committee and
was asked to present his ideas as a tutorial. He wishes changes to be
made to Fortran 8x based on his experience with a static program
analysis tool, MAT. His wish is for standard Fortran programs to be
inherently more reliable and therefore maintainable. He does not like
Fortran 77's treatment of violations of prohibitions as being
extensions. He wants
(1) any program unit containing a new feature also to contain
IMPLICIT NONE (this permits the compiler to pick up typing errors
that otherwise read as valid Fortran)
(2) there should be a standard default value for variables
referenced without being set (he suggested -1, but discussion
favoured "not-a-number" (NaN) on machines
(3) "clutter" (variables and entries that are never used)
should be identified as errors
(4) all global names should be distinct throughout the program
(this was felt to be an unreasonable restriction, since several
independently developed modules might be used together).
I will make a proposal on conformance to the next meeting, but in
general the committee did not appear to favour these ideas.
6. Document processing
Most of the subgroup time was spent looking at the draft
document in detail, though the Weaver proposal resulted in much more
time being spent in full committee than was originally planned.
The committee passed (29-0) Alan Wilson's and my minor changes
[4] to the intrinsics.
Kurt Hirchert discussed a large number of proposals that arose
from writing the chapter on procedures, but no formal votes were
Dick Weaver proposed a change in the way the term 'subscript' is
used, so that an array element is referenced with a list of subscripts
rather than a subscript consisting of a list of subscript expressions.
This is in line with usual practice outside the F77 standard itself
and was accepted (23-0).
Dick Weaver also proposed that the term 'variable' be used for
any assignable object with a simple name. His proposal.failed (5-11),
probably because of uncertainty over the way components of structures
are regarded.
The first fully typeset version of S8 was circulated at the
meeting, but was rather full of typographical and substantial errors.
A revised version will be sent to participants at the Bonn and Oxford
meetings in July.
The chairman hopes to complete S8 by the meeting in November
this year.
7. Array features
There was a discussion as to whether there should be specific
declarations for automatic, alias and allocatable arrays. It was
decided not to do so for automatic arrays (9-13) but to do so for
allocatable (21-5) and alias (28-2) arrays. George Paul suggested
that ALIAS should be 'spelt' IDENTIFIED but his amendment failed (8-21).
I was strongly opposed to this apparently innocuous amendment
because the description of the IDENTIFY statement was carefully
rewritten about two years ago and 'alias' was the best word that we
could summon them to label the object created.
8. USE statement syntax
Jerry Wagener proposed that the USE statement syntax be altered
so that slashes are not needed around the module name. Example of the
new syntax are
An optional comma after the module name was favoured (15-2-11) and the
proposal passed (24-0).
9. Input-output
Vector-valued sections are irregularly spaced in storage and may
therefore cause inefficient i/o processing. A proposal to disallow
them as units for internal files passed 17-9, but a proposal to
disallow them in input lists failed 6-22. A straw-vote did not favour
disallowing them in formats (2-24-4).
The following minor changes were accepted (28-0):
(1) Allow REWIND on a file that does not exist.
(2) Allow IOSTAT and ERR specifiers to change for an OPEN on a
file already open.
(3) Disallow underscore in a format except within an
apostrophe, quote or H edit descriptor.
It was agreed that truncation on internal file writes be treated as
for character assignment (14-7).
There was a discussion on how namelist i/o should handle derived
data. The sentiment favoured allowing a wide variety of forms in the
input, but with some irregularity (13-0-3). Allowing array sections
was not favoured (4-2-10), while keeping it extremely simple (simple
names only in input) was not favoured either (6-3-8).
10. New DO
Jerry Wagener proposed a new form for the DO, which essentially
includes the DO loop and DO block as special cases. The committee
favoured the approach strongly (24-0-2).
ll. Functions for trimming trailing blanks
Lloyd Campbell proposed two functions for trimming trailing
blanks from character expressions. One, applicable only to scalar
character expressions, returns the trimmed string; the other is an
elemental function (hence applicable also to arrays) that returns the
trimmed length. These were originally proposed as alternatives but a
straw vote favoured both (3 for the first, 3 for the second, 14 for
both and 5 undecided). The first passed 21-1 and the second 12-10.
12. Future meetings
To speed up the writing of the draft standard, S8, there will be
an extra meeting in September and five meetings in 1986. The full
schedule is:
1985: July 8-12, September 9-13, November 11-15.
1986: January 20-24, April 7-11, June 16-20, August 25-29,
November 10-14.
The next pre meeting distribution deadline is June 3.
To: BCS. NAG, etc.
From: John Reid
Date: 14 July 1985
Subject: Report on X3J3 meeting at Oxford, 8-12 July 1985
[1] 95(17)JKR-6 Renaming keywords for generalized real
[2] 95.JLW-1 DO loops
[3] 95(14)JKR-3 Conformance
[4] 95(15)JKR-4 Implicit none
1. Summary
This meeting was free from any major controversy and
concentrated on minor technical clean-ups (most of which I will not
report here) and on work in subgroups on checking individual chapters
of the standing document S8, in preparation for its release for public
comment after a few more meetings. It was agreed (26-0) to regard S8
as the basis document and require all new proposals to be phrased in
terms of amendments to it. S8 is not yet ready to be regarded as a
statement of all the proposals that have been passed, and changes are
still being made in an informal manner by subgroups and the editorial
The number of members and observers was very similar to that of
a meeting in USA.
2. Renaming keywords
My renaming proposal [1] was divided into two proposals. The
committee accepted (23-0) renaming the function PRECISION as DIGITS,
the function ACTUAL_PREC as ACTUAL_PRECISION and the attribute keyword
PRECISION10 as PRECISION. This means that the generalized precision
attributes are named PRECISION and EXP_RANGE and the functions that
return the actual values (which are never smaller) are called
My offer, with Peter Kirby, to review all the keywords was
3. DO loops
Jerry Wagener's proposal [2] for a new DO loop that contains the
old DO and the new DO as special cases was accepted (20-3).
4. Masked array intrinsics
There was another discussion, but no resolution, of how to
interpret such expressions as
A 4-way straw vote was as follows:
Must evaluate all terms 7
Must not evaluate masked terms 11
Processor dependent 14
Undecided 7
5. Size of the language
The task group looking at the size of the language decided to
recommend some changes to the deprecated features (see next section of
this report) and the deletion of just two features, keyword arguments
and vector-valued subscripts. On keyword arguments, a four-way straw
vote went as follows
Remove completely 0
Use only with intrinsics 5
Keep 28
Undecided 2
A straw vote of 16-9-9 favoured removal of vector-valued sections, so
I will "dust off" my proposal of last summer.
To the question "is the language too large?" a straw vote replied
"no" by 5-27-6.
6. Deprecated features
The task group on the size of the language recommended the
removal from the list of deprecated features of any item whose
functionality is equal to that of its replacement. In particular they
wished to "undeprecate" DIMENSION, x-editing, and insignificant
blanks. On DIMENSION, the straw vote was divided (16-17-5). The
committee agreed to remove x-editing from the deprecated list (18-5)
because it is so widely used. It did not want to undeprecate
insignificant blanks (14-21-2).
7. Compatibility_with F77
It was agreed (24-0) to add a statement at the very front of S8
that the committee's intent was for F77 programs to conform to F8x.
8. Conformance
I made two substantial changes to my paper [3] on conformance,
following discussion in subgroup:
(a) deletion of the requirement to provide a warning if an
interpretation is given to a form or relationship beyond those
specified in the standard.
(b) abandon the attempt to distinguish between "absolute" and
"execution" requirements and instead require the processor to specify
how its treats each requirement.
Change (a) was introduced because the requirement might demand very
subtle diagnostic checks to be made and we could not see how to
distinguish straightforward extensions (e.g. fresh syntax) from subtle
semantic extensions. Change (b) means that we are not restricted to
static errors and should avoid much committee discussion of details
The full committee was broadly favourable (initially 14-6-9 and
after discussion 13-4-17). It was felt (l-15-17) that a list in an
appendix did not need the support of comments in parentheses in the
text. There was some sentiment for detaching the language definition
from the requirements imposed on processors. Regret was expressed
that change (a) deleted any requirement for a "FIPS style" check.
Concern was also expressed over the work involved in constructing the
list in the appendix. It was pointed out that the more requirements
are imposed on standard conforming processors, the less of them there
are likely to be.
9. Implicit none
Following a presentation by Gerry Berns at the last meeting, I
proposed [4] some changes in connection with implicit none. Gerry
believes that "far and away the worst feature of Fortran, from the
standpoint of attributable errors, is implicit data typing" and
suggested that IMPLICIT NONE be required in any program unit that does
not conform to Fortran 77. Currently IMPLICIT NONE is the default if
a USE ALL statement is present without an IMPLICIT statement.
In general the committee felt that it has gone far enough in
that IMPLICIT NONE was available for use by those that like it. There
was some sentiment (14-12-5) for deprecating the use of implicit
typing other than in the presence of an IMPLICIT statement. A straw
vote on the proposal that an internal procedure without an IMPLICIT
statement should be interpreted as if IMPLICIT NONE were present was
negative (8 15-10). I did not ask for straw votes on the other
proposals since I felt that they were even less likely to be favoured.
10. Next meeting
The next meeting will be at Los Alamos, Sept 9-13. The pre-
meeting distribution deadline (for receipt in USA) is Aug 5.
Receipts and Payment Account for the year ended 30th April 1985
(Please submit to HQ by 1st May)
Budget |
Actual |
£ |
£p |
Balance at start |
Bank: Account 'A' |
1427.80 |
1427.80 |
Account 'B' |
Cash: |
Add receipts: |
Cash received fromHQ against budget |
120.75 |
Cost of HQ services, as notified |
244.61 |
Cash received from HQ for projects |
Bank deposit interest received |
Net income from Special Events |
Social evenings, conferences, etc |
(See separate statements attached) |
Net income from Branch subgroups |
(See separate statements attached) |
Other income received (please specify) |
16.00 |
381.36 |
Subscriptions |
Total: |
Balance + Receipts |
1809.16 |
Less Payments |
Meeting expenditure |
Mailing expenditure |
Secretarial expenditure |
Committee expenditure |
Professional services |
Cost of HQ services received |
244.61 |
(as notified) |
Project expenditure |
85.50 |
(See separate statements attached) Cheque to HQ |
Net expenditure on Special Events |
(See separate statements attached) |
Net expenditure on Branch subgroups |
(See separate statements attached) |
Other expenditure (please specify) |
Expenses of speakers |
120.75 |
X3J3 subscription |
73.90 |
Total payments: |
524.76 |
(A) |
1284.40 |
Made up of: |
Bank: Account 'A' |
1284.40 |
Account 'B' |
Cash: |
Total Balance: |
(B) |
1284.40 |
('A' and 'B' should agree)
Please enclose bank statement (or copy), and a list of outstanding cheques.
[Programme of "Fortran Forum 85" held on 15th July 1985 in London]
09.45 Registration and Coffee
10.15 Introduction
John Reid
10.20 Development of Fortran 8x
Jeanne Adams
10.40 Overview of Fortran 8x
Walt Brainerd
ll.40 Array Features
Alan Wilson
12.40 Lunch
14.00 Data abstraction
Jerry Wagener
15.00 I/O Extensions
Jim Matheny
15.30 Tea
15.50 Deprecated features
Lawrie Schonfelder
16.10 Panel Discussion
(Panel members: all X3J3
members present)
17.00 Close
Talk by Brian Meek (Queen Elizabeth College and BSI Committee)
(i) The objective of the new BSI Standard "Method for Specifying
Requirements for Fortran Language Processors" is to develop
a Standard for writing specifications for Fortran language
processors. It makes no attempt to produce anything which is
in conflict with the ANSI Standard for Fortran. It tells the
user how to write a specification for what he requires from
a Fortran language processor.
(ii) The new Standard can be used in several ways viz:
- designing a processor [the user suppliers the implementor with
a specification of what to do].
- procurement [buying a Fortran processor]
- testing/evaluating Fortran processors comparatively [this would
supplement the FSTS/NCC validation reports].
(iii) The draft Standard was approved by the OIS/5 committee
last December as ready to go out for public comment but has been
somewhat held up subsequently at BSI.
(iv) How does the Standard work?
- introductory bits
- scope
- definitions
- what one should put in a specification
(v) The ANSI Fortran Standard defines:
- forms of programs
- rules of interpretation
- input/output data formats
but excludes:
- result when rules fail to interpret a program
- specification of size, complexity of program and data
- rules for range and precision.
The new BSI Standard addresses these latter areas. It emphasises
strict adherence to ANSI and that rules should not be bent. A
eg. if a processor uses unorthodox storage association to
acquire greater efficiency then it is non-standard.
(vi) Other areas given particular attention are:
- ranges of numbers
- collating sequences
- order of evaluation
- depth of nesting of constants
- minimum level of complexity (nos. of arguments, etc)
- requirements on error (statistically checkable) and exception
detection, reporting and recovery (if any).
(vii) Language extensions:
The BSI Standard says that if you must have extensions then write
them down in same way as if they had been in ANSI Standard. It
also insists that a processor flags extensions and, if possible,
converts them into a Standard form.
(viii) Validation:
Users are reminded to put in such requirements and that validation
processes exist.
(ix) How will the new Standard be used?
[Brian Meek described this in a "Computer Weekly" article,
(ref: WG9/16)].
Either - in full for producing a rigorous specification
- as above but omitting parts not important to the user
- as a checklist, where user is looking for particular properties
- as a checklist, for language processor implementors.
(x) The new Standard would have potential to be adopted as a pattern
for specifying requirements for other language processors,
Final Note
Members of the BCS Fortran Specialist Group interested in this new Standard
are recommended to write to BSI asking to be put on the list of people to
receive a copy as soon as it is published (or in the meantime approach
one of the BSI committee members such as Brian Meek for a pre-printed
version). There is no certainty when the BSI draft will be available but
the public comment period will last 2-3 months.
Fortran Forum, July 15th 1985
Here is a copy of the questionnaire that was mentioned at the
Fortran Forum. It was originally published in "Status of work toward
revision of programming language Fortran" by J.L. Wagener. This was a
special issue of SIGNUM Newsletter (Vol. 19, No.3, July 1984) and a
special issue of FORTEC Forum (Vol.3, No.2, June 1984) and contained a
summary of Fortran 8x at that time. Yesterday's Forum should have
given you enough data to answer most of the questionnaire, though it
was not possible to cover everything; for instance we said nothing
about the enhanced call or event handling. Please leave a line blank
if you don't know enough about the feature to have an opinion.
Thank you for showing an interest in Fortran 8x and for coming
to the Forum.
Yours sincerely,
John Reid,
CSS Division,
Building 8.9, A.E.R.E.
Harwell, Oxon OX11 0RA.
Jeanne Adams, Chair, X3J3
This questionnaire has been developed to survey the Opinions of
the user community on the new features and the architecture
proposed by X3J3 for inclusion in the next draft FORTRAN
standard. The results of this and other surveys and question-
naires will be used by the X333 committee in assessing the
strength of each new facility for inclusion in a draft standard.
Information about the new features is contained in "FORTRAN
Information Bulletin", Number 1. Return your questionnaire to:
Andrew Johnson
MS 10C17-3
Prime Computer Inc.
500 Old Connecticut Path
Framingham, Ma 01701
Check those that apply.
Type of Organization: Are you employed as:
Scientific __________ Professional Programmer _______
Engineering __________ Problem Solver (Occasional) _______
Commercial __________ Compiler Writer/Implementor _______
Government __________ Home Computer User _______
Vendor (Computer)__________ Manager of Software _______
University __________ Other _______
Other (state)______________
Was FORTRAN your first computer language? Yes____ No ____
What is your "language of choice?" _______________________
Name the vendor and operating system currently used.
Do you now use: FORTRAN 66 _______ FORTRAN 77 _______ 77 Subset ___________
Do you subscribe to: FORTEC ________ SIGPLAN _________ SIGNUM ___________
Have you seen the FORTRAN Information Bulletin summarizing the
proposals currently under Consideration for FORTRAN 8x? Yes _____ No _____
List two features for FORTRAN 8X that--
You want in FORTRAN: You do not want in FORTRAN:
1. _________________________ 1. _______________________
2. _________________________ 2. _______________________
Name _____________________________ Address ________________________
Tel. No.__________________ ________________________________
|Strong1y | |Do not |Strongly |Don't
|Approve |Approve |Approve |Disapprove|Care
Array Processing Features_|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
WHERE Construct___________|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
Data Structures___________|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
New Source Form(free)_____|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
Significant Blanks________|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
Precision Specification___|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
Environmental Intrinsics__|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
Loop Constructs___________|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
Enhanced CALL_____________|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
CASE Construct____________|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
Internal Procedures_______|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
IMPLICIT NONE_____________|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
Entity Oriented Decl. ____|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
Derived Data Type_________|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
Event Handling____________|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
Varying CHARACTER Length__|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
(Note it has been removed)
Bit Data Type_____________|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
Macros (Note that it
has been removed)_________|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
Architecture with deprecated
Features (next page)______|_________|_________|_________|__________|____
General Impression
of FORTRAN 8x_____________|_________|_________|_________|__________|___
Which of these features would you make a candidate for deletion
in the 199X FORTRAN standard, note FORTRAN 9x. All of these
features will be retained in 198x. Do you want these removed
from 199x, retained in 199x or are you undecided? Check one.
Removed|Retained| Unde-
from | in | cided
199x | 199x |
FORTRAN 77 Fixed Position Source Form _______|________|________
Alternate RETURN _______|________|________
Assumed Size Dummy Arrays _______|________|________
Passing Scalar to Dummy Array _______|________|________
Specific Names (not Generic) for Intrinsics _______|________|________
Statement Functions _______|________|________
BLOCK DATA Program Unit _______|________|________
Arithmetic IF Statement _______|________|________
ASSIGN and Assigned GO TO Statements _______|________|________
COMMON Statement _______|________|________
Computed GO TO Statement _______|________|________
DATA Statement _______|________|________
DIMENSION Statement _______|________|________
DOUBLE PRECISION Data Type _______|________|________
ENTRY Statement _______|________|________
EQUIVALENCE Statement _______|________|________
FORTRAN 77 DO Statement _______|________|________
PAUSE Statement _______|________|________
Please include any comments you wish to make concerning FORTRAN
8x features and features marked as candidates for deletion from
FORTRAN 9x on the reverse side of this page.