The next meeting of the Group will be held on Monday 6th April 1981
from 10:45 to 16:00 at BCS HQ, 13 Mansfield Street, London.
Please bring this notice to the attention of any colleagues
who may be interested; newcomers to the Group are very welcome.
Click here for the minutes of this meeting. Links below
are to specific sections of the minutes.
10:45 1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of Previous Meeting
3. Matters Arising
4. Election of Officers
5. Treasurer's Report
6. Fortran Forum
7. Future meetings of the Group
8. BCS Business
9. Report from March meeting of X3J3 at Austin, Texas
10. ISO Programming Languages Meeting
11. Any Other Business
14:00 12. Talk entitled "Fortran 8X Array Processing Proposals"
by Alan Wilson (ICL)