The next meeting of the Group will be held on Monday 8th September 1980
from 10:45 to 16:00 at BCS HQ, 13 Mansfield Street, London.
Please bring this notice to the attention of any colleagues
who may be interested; newcomers to the Group are very welcome.
Click here for the minutes of this meeting. Links below
are to specific sections of the minutes.
10:45 1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
2. Matters Arising
3. X3J3 Activities
4. Other Fortran Group Activities
4.1 ISO Fortran Experts Meeting
Completeness/Conformity Module
4.2 Fortran Forum
5. BCS Business
6. Any Other Business
7. Next Meeting
14:00 8. Talk entitled "Portability of Fortran 77"
by J. Larmouth, Salford University