British Computer Society Fortran Specialist Group
Minutes of a meeting held on 5th April, 1976 in the Staff Common Room,
at the Polytechnic of Central London, 115 New Cavendish Street, London W1
Mr. D. T. Muxworthy (Chairman) University of Edinburgh.
Mr. M. J. Appleford Ove Arup and Partners.
Dr. J. C. Baldwin University of Cardiff.
Mr. M. Black Philips Industries
Mr. P. D. Bond Philips Industries
Mr. M. Dolbear B. P.
Mr. J. L. Dyke Huntingdon Research Centre
Dr. P. L. Evans Polytechnic of Central London
Mr. R. M. Greenwood M.R.C.
Mr. G. L. Harding Leeds University
Mr. W. S. Hilder M.R.C.
Mr. D. Hill M.C.S.L.
Dr. I. D. Hill M.R.C
Mr. D. J. Holmes Rolls Royce (1971) Ltd.
Dr. J. S. Hutton S.R.C. (Rutherford Laboratory)
Mr. M. J. King B.B.C.
Mr. M. R. Lewis Imperial College Computer Centre
Mr. I. McNicol ESA/ESOC Darmstadt
Dr. J. Murchland UCL
Mr. K. Normington Lanchester Polytechnic
Mr. T. L. van Raalte M.O.D.
Mr. R. W. S. Rodwell ICL
Mr. M. Smith Rolls Royce (1971) Ltd.
Mr. C. Tampin P.M.A.
Mr. P. Vyse Honeywell I. S.
Mr. P. A. Clarke (Secretary) Rothamsted Experimental Station.
Apologies for Absence:
Dr. A. C. Day UCL.
Mr. D. Ellison UMRCC.
Mr. B. Shearing Alcock, Shearing and Partners.
1. Approval of Minutes.
The minutes of the meeting of 2nd February, 1976 were approved subject
to the following corrections:
Attendance: Mr. W. S. Hilder, MRC was also present at the meeting.
Item 1: "organiser of datafair" should read "Chairman of specialist
groups committee".
2. Matters arising from the Minutes.
Item 2(c) The £60 requested from the BCS for completion of this year's
programme of meeting has been obtained.
Item 2(c) Subscriptions (payable by non-members of the BCS) for minutes of
meetings. After discussion with the BCS it has been decided to charge
£1-00 to cover costs of distributing minutes to non-members of the BCS.
One member had enquired if institutional members would be required to pay.
The BCS said that there was no precedent for this and they would raise it at
the next Specialist Groups Meeting. Currently the BCS have been allowing
three members from each institution to attend conferences at the normal BCS
member charge. In cases where more than three members attend, the excess have
been charged at non-member rate. In this light, as a provisional measure,
the Fortran Specialist Group will allow three individuals from each institution
free of charge for minutes of meetings.
The position of tax relief on subscriptions is being investigated.
3. Election of Officers for 1976
Two resignations from the steering committee have been received. Colin
MacKinnon of UKAEA Risley has withdrawn because of pressure of work. Eric
Bodger of IBM has now moved to the United States until 1978.
Those present wished to thank Colin and Eric for their services to the group
and in particular to Eric who as vice-chairman had been the group's
representative on the BCS Specialist Groups committee, had chaired several
meetings and given his support to make the Datafair 73 seminar on Fortran a
Both Chairman and Secretary asked if there was anyone willing to take their own
places, but as no names were forthcoming, were re-elected for a second year.
Requests for someone to take the vacant post of vice-chairman were not
successful and this will be reconsidered at the next meeting.
Requests for new members of the steering committee resulted in Messrs.
G. L. Harding, D. Hill, M.R. Lewis and J. Murchland joining the existing
members A. C. Day, H. D. Ellison and B. H. Shearing as the new steering
committee. Later Mr. Shearing suggested that we ask Eric Bodger to act as a
special liaison with the U.S.A.
Eric had expressed the possibility of helping the group co obtain information
from any appropriate meetings which take place in California.
4. Revision of objectives
Following further discussion, the wording of the proposed revised objectives
now becomes "To undertake activities associated with any aspects of Fortran".
It is intended to present this for approval at the next Specialist Groups
5. Activities of other Fortran Groups
5.1 ANSI X3J3
Since the last meeting the draft proposed standard had been published. The
50 copies purchased by the Fortran Specialist group had all been ordered, and
orders are still arriving. It is possible that some orders may be cancelled
and if so, the copies will be made available to those on the "waiting" list.
Mr. P. Vyse had written an article on the draft standard which had appeared
as a three part serial in "Computing" newspaper. Mr. Muxworthy thanked
Mr. Vyse for writing the article and complimented him on the way he had
presented the subject.
The minutes of the December meeting of X3J3 were described briefly by Mr.
Muxworthy and it was noted that meetings were scheduled for 10th February,
25th April and 11th July 1976.
A discussion followed and Mr. Normington raised some objections to the
PARAMETER statement. He thought that the syntax would be more regular if the
list of parameter definitions was enclosed in parentheses. He objected to the
parameter definitions because the type of the parameters is determined by their
usage. This is irregular within Fortran. He received some measure of support
from those present on both these points. He also thought that the restriction
on names to six characters should be removed to- permit more-meaningful names.
Mr. McNicol said that he was disappointed that symbolic "length" attributes for
variables (other than type CHARACTER) had not been included in the new
standard. He pointed out that ICL had introduced such a feature in the ICL 2900
series Fortran, which allowed variables of several lengths.
There was some discussion on the best way of getting public comment on the
draft standard. The possibility of collecting comments, summarising them and
sending a 'concensus' view to X3J3 was rejected on the grounds that no one was
willing to do the summarising and that some comment would be lost in the
There was also a problem with timing. Our next meeting is on the 7th June 1976
and any concensus reached at the meeting would have to be drafted and sent to
X3J3 before the 30th June deadline, which it might not make.
It was decided that in order to ensure that comments were timely the best
approach would be for individuals to send their comments directly to X3J3
and also to send a copy to a "collector" for the group to discuss in June
on the basis of which, it is hoped to form a "group view" on the standard
which we could send to X3J3 to re-inforce the individual views.
Comments for X3J3 should be sent to: ACTION: All members
Lloyd W. Campbell,
X3J3 Secretary,
BRL-CSD, Bldg. 328
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD2l0O5
and a copy for the Fortran Specialist Group's collector to:
Mr. M. Lewis,
Imperial College Computer Centre,
Room 401, RSM,
Imperial College,
Prince Consort Road, LONDON SW7
Dr. I. D. Hill made the point that positive comments indicating approval
of certain items were as important as criticisms and would help to form
a more balanced view.
For those who do not have copy of the draft standard, several summary documents
are available. These include Mr. Vyse's article in computing (ll, 18 and
25 March 1976), a summary by W. Brainerd in the Fortran Development Committee's
FOR-WORD newsletter No. 5, Oct. 1975 (copies available on request) and a
review by Dr. L. Meissner entitled "Proposed ANS X3-9 Fortran Language
Revision" which occupies the entire contents of FOR-WORD Vol. 1 No. 6 Jan 1976
and is currently being circulated to members.
5.2 Fortran Development Committee activities
Since the last meeting we have received copies of FOR-WORD Vol. l No. 6
Jan. 76 which contains a summary of the "Proposed ANS X3.9 Fortran Language
Revision" and Vol. 2. No. l. Feb. 76 contains an updated list of preprocessors,
reviews and correspondence.
5.3 Codasyl Fortran DBML Committee Activities
The minutes of meeting number 10 held on 5th Jan. 76 have been received.
The FDBMLC Journal of development, version 0.4 was revised by inclusion
of a Glossary of terms and a problem associated with the ERASE statement
and currency indicators which prevents access to the next record was uncovered.
6. Progress Reports
6.l FORTREV review Working Party
Mr. Muxworthy reported for Dr. Day that the Working Party had completed its
Examination of FORTREV and a copy of this had been sent to the Computer
Journal for inclusion in the May 76 issue. The latest information was that
the article would not appear in the May issue because of delays. However,
this was not as disastrous as first thought because the article by Frank
Engel, Chairman of X3J3 had also not been included in the May issue. It is
believed that both may now appear in the August 76 issue.
6.2 Proposed Promotion Working Party
Mr. Clarke outlined the objectives and scope of activities of the proposed
Promotion Working Party. The objective is to collect and distribute information
about the BCS Fortran Specialist Group. This would take the form of information
for use within the BCS, information for new and prospective members of the
group and once set up would involve routine updating. Much of this information
has already been collected as part of the Secretary's normal duties. A request
for persons to join this working party failed to get any response.
6.3 Preprocessor Requirements Study
Dr. Murchland as convener outlined some areas of possible study for this
working party (see Appendix B). The word 'preprocessor' was not exactly
apt and the intention was more that Fortran Text should be examined to find
the ways in which it could usefully be manipulated. One approach was to
study some of the existing processes that manipulate Fortran Text and a
provisional list was read out (see Appendix B). A request was made for
persons to join this working party. Messrs. P.A. Clarke, P. L. Evans
and I. McNicol volunteered to join Dr. Murchland on this study. Anyone
else wishing to join this working party should contact Dr. Murchland directly
Traffic Studies Group,
University College London,
Gower Street,
London. WClE 6BT
7. Any Other Business
Mr. Clarke reported that two copies of the draft proposed ANS Fortran standard
had been placed in the BCS library and were available for loan. The BCS Library
had also kindly given the group a list of all books relating to Fortran in
the library together with details for making loans (see Appendix A). The group
will be informed of new acquisitions relating to Fortran.
Mr. Muxworthy said that the E.C.I. (European Co-operation in Informatics) were
arranging a conference from 9-12 August 1976 on the Advancement of Informatics
and that they were also setting up specialist groups.
He reported that the BCS had published a report on the "Beaumont Weekend",
at which many leading members of the society had discussed the topic of the
"Future of the BCS".
8. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on 7th June 1976.
9. Talk on DEC Fortran Systems
Dr. D. Clifford described the features of the Fortran Systems available on DEC
PDP8 and PDP11 computers (see Appendix C). This was followed by questions and
discussion. A photocopy of the slides presented is available on request from
the Secretary.
Borrowing Regulations of British Computer Society Library
Members may borrow up to four books at any one time.
Books are issued for an initial loan period of one month.
Books may be renewed after this original period if they are not required
by another reader.
Books which have been renewed after the original loan period may be recalled
if required by another reader.
Books which are already on loan may be reserved and the requested will be
notified when the book is available.
A charge of 40p per item is made for postal loans to cover the cost of postage
and packing. Cheques/postal orders made payable to the Librarian, City University.
Books of 5 prepaid vouchers ( 2.00 per book) are available from the library
for members who intend to use the service regularly. Members bear the cost
of returning books by post.
Photocopies of journal articles can be supplied, from journals in stock,
at a charge of 5P per page, subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act.
The library acts as a source of information on all aspects of computers and
their applications. Lists of books and periodical articles on well-defined subjects
can be supplied including details of items which are not in the library's stock.
Library hours: During University term 09.00-2l.00 Monday-Thursday
09.00-20.00 Friday 09,30-12.30 Saturday morn.
During Univ. vacation 09.00-l7.00 Monday-Friday
I enclose details of the books we have in stock on Fortran,
together with regulations for borrowing.
A number of the books will be out at any one time, particularly
the new ones, and I advise members to ring the library
before calling in to borrow a particular item and we will
check the shelves.
We are always interested in receiving suggestions from members
for additions to stock.
Items are usually only available for loan to members of the
Society. l believe that members of Specialist Groups are not
necessarily members of the Society. it will therefore be necessary
for non-members to borrow through members.
Yours sincerely,
(signed) Judy Thomas
J.M. Thomas (Mrs.)
COLMAN, H.C,: Computer language: an auto instructional introduction to Fortran.
McGraw Hill, 1962.
FORSYTHE, A.I. et al: Computer science: Fortran language. Wiley, 1970.
COURT, R.: Fortran for beginners. Holmes McDougall, 1970.
BAJPAI, A.C. et a1: Fortran & Algol: a programmed course for students of
science and technology. Wiley, 1972.
HAAG, J.N.: Comprehensive Fortran programming. Hayden, 1965.
HAAG, J.N.: Comprehensive standard Fortran programming. Hayden , 1969.
HARRIS, L.D.: Fortran programming: (2 & 4) Merrill, 1964.
BEZNER, H.C.: The elements of Fortran IV. Goodyear Pub., 1973.
CALDERBANK, V.J.: A course of programming in Fortran IV. Chapman & Hall, 1969.
DOCK, V.T.: Fortran IV programming. Reston, 1972.
FRIEDMANN, J. et al: Fortran IV: for self study or classroom use. Wiley, 1975.
HEALY, J.J. & DEBRUZZI, D.J.: Basic Fortran IV programming: self instructional
manual and text. Addison Wesley, 1968.
HEALY, J.J. & DEBRUZZI, D.J.: Basic Fortran IV programming. Addison Wesley, 1975.
JAMES, E,, O'BRIEN, F. 8. WHITEHEAD, P,: A Fortran programming course. Prentice
Hall, 1970.
JAMISON, R.V.: Fortran programming. McGraw Hill, 1966.
KALLIN, S.: Introduction to Fortran. Auerbach, 1971.
KAZMIER, L.J. & PHILIPPAKIS, A.S.: Fundamentals of EDP and Fortran: a self e
instructional manual. McGraw Hill, ]970.
KENNEDY, M. & SOLOMON, M.B.: Tan Statement Fortran, plus Fortran IV: for the
IBM 360 featuring the WATFOR and WATFIV compilers. Prentice Hall, 1970.
KUNZI, H,P,: Numerical methods of mathematical optimization with Algal and Fortran
programs. Academic Press, 1968.
LOUDEN, R.K.: Programming the IBM 1130 and 1800. Prentice Hall, 1967.
MCCAMERON, F.A.: Fortran logic: and programming. Irwin, 1968.
MCCAMMON, M.: Understanding Fortran. Crowell, 1969.
MCCRACKEN, D.D.: A guide to Fortrnn IV programming. 2nd edition. Wiley, l972.
MCCRACKEN, D.D.: A simplified guide to Fortran programming. Wiley, 1974.
MCCUEN, R.H.: Fortran programming for civil engineering Preentice Hall, 1975.
MALCOM, R,E.: Computers in business: a Fortran introduction. International
Textbook Co., 1968.
MARXER, E.: Elements Of computer programming: Fortran. Delmar, 1973.
MEISSNER, L.P.: Rudiments of Fortran. Addison Wesley, 1971.
MURRAY-SHELLEY, R.: Teach yourself computer programming: Fortran. English UP, 1967.
NATIONAL COMPUTING CENTRE. Standard Fortran programming manual. NCC, 1970
NATIONAL COMPUTING CENTRE, Standard Fortran programming manual. 2nd edition.
NCC, 1972.
PRAGER, W Introduction to basic Fortran programming and numerical methods.
Blaisdell, 1965.
RADFORD, A.S.: Teach yourself computer programming/ Fortran. English UP, 1975.
ROHL, J.S.: Programming in Fortran: a course of television lectures.
Manchester UP, 1973.
SASS, C.J.: Fortran IV programming and applications. Holden Day, 1973.
SCHICK, W. & MERZ, C.J.: Fortran for engineering. McGraw H111, 1972.
SLATER, L.J.: Forst[sic] steps in basic Fortran. Chapman & Hall, 1971.
STUART, F.: Fortran programming. Wiley, 1969.
SWEENEY, R.B.: The use of computers in accounting (Fortran). Prentice Hall, 1971.
VINCE, J.A,: Fortran for students. Enfield College Computer Centre, 1968.
WATTERS, J.: Fortran programming: a complete course in writing Fortran programs.
Heineman, 1963.
WILF, H.S.: Programming for a digital computer in the Fortran language. Addison
Wesley, 1969.
VELDMAN, D.J.: Fortran programming for the behavioral sciences. Holt, Rinehart,
& Winston, 1967.
MOON, B.: Computer programming for science and engineering. Butterworths, 1966.
DORN, W.S.: Mathematics and computing: with Fortran programming. Wiley, 1967.
JAMES, M.L., SMITH, G.M. & WOLFORD, J.C.: Appljed numerical methods for digital
computation with Fortran, International Textbook Co., 1967.
MCCORMICK, J.M. & SALVADQRI, M,G.: Numerical methods in Fortran. Prentice Ha1], 1964
MCCRACKEN, D.D. & DORN, W.S.: Numerical methods and Fortran programming with
applications in engineering and science. Wiley, 1964.
BORK, A.M,: Fortran for physics. Addison Wesley, l967.
GENNARO, J.J.: Computer methods in solid mechanics. Macmillan, l965.
ANTON, M.B. & BOUTELL, W.S.: Fortran and business data processing. McGraw Hill, 1968
CLEVELAND, S.T.: Fortran 2-D on the IBM 1620: introduction to digital computer
programming. Dickenson, 1968.
BLATT, J.M.: Introduction to Fortran IV: using the WATFOR compiler. Goodyear Pub
Co., 1968.
COUGER, J.D. & SHANNON, L.E.: Fortran IV: a programmed instruction approach.
Irwin-Dorsey, 1968.
[The original typescript changed font at this point.]
CRESS, P.:, DIRKSEN, P. & GRAHAM, J.W.: Fortran IV with WATFOR. Prentice Hall, 1968
Revised edition. Prentice Hall, 1970.
DOWDING, B.J. & ROGERS, C.B.: Basic Fortran IV. Blackie, 1970.
EDWARDS, P.: Flowcharting and Fortran IV. McGraw Hill, 1973.
HOLDEN, H.L.: Introduction to Fortran IV. Macmillan, 1970.
JAMISON, R.V.: Fortran IV programming: based on the IBM System lI30. McGraw Hill,
LEDLEY, R.S.: Fortran IV programming. McGraw Hill, 1966.
MCCAMERON, F.A.: Fortran IV. Irwin, 1970.
AMNNING, W.A. & GARNERO, R.S.: A Fortran IV problem solver. McGraw Hill, 1970.
MOURSUND, D.G.: Problem analysis and solution using Fortran IV. Wadsworth
Publishing Co., 1970.
NOLAN, R.L.: Fortran IV computing and applications. Addison Wesley, 1971.
NYDEGGER, A.C.: An introduction to computer programming with an emphasis
Fortran IV. Addison Wesley, 1968.
ORGANICK, E.l. & MEISSNER, L.P.: Fortran IV: standard Fortran Watfor-Watfiv.
2nd edition. Addison Wesley, 1975.
ORGANICK, E.I.: A Fortran IV primer. Addison Wesley, 1966.
POLLACK, S.V.: A guide to Fortran IV. Columbia UP, 1965.
SCHONBECK, R.G.: Fortran IV for multi-programming systems: with emphasis on the
GB-600 series computer. Addison Wesley, 1968.
SILVER, G.A.: Simplified Fortran IV programming. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971.
TOMASSO, C.: A practical course in Fortran IV. Foulsham, l97l.
[In the original typescript Appendix D was squeezed onto the bottom of the last
page of Appendix A in order to save paper (and possibly postage costs). In
this electronic version it has been moved to follow Appendix C.]
Preprocessor Working Party
Now that a growing number of programmers appreciate that Fortran source
code can be handled as a text, to be generated, edited and otherwise
manipulated, the next few years should see a great deal more software of this
kind produced as an aid to Fortran program development, transfer and maintenance.
It is important to facilitate and learn from these experiments by better
communication, by devising standards for interfaces, and by organizing or
participating in user trials.
Four tasks, which the Preprocessor working Party will undertake, are
as follows.
1. Study of existing preprocessors in order to find a convenient
vocabulary and classification for discussing them.
2. Maintenance of a list of available preprocessors.
3. Be concerned with the opportunities for beneficial new standards or
recommended conventions.
4. Compile a bibliography of papers helpful to implementors and users of
Provisional List of Processes that manipulate Fortran Source Text
1. |
Line Editors. |
17. |
Static Monitors or Source code |
statistics (e.g. How many IF's etc.) |
2. |
Text Editors. |
18. |
Version generating preprocessors |
3. |
Macro Preprocessors. |
e.g. Debugging, optimised, |
sizes/storage. |
4. |
Structured Preprocessors. |
19. |
Fortran-Fortran optimisers. |
5. |
Numerical - single/double precision |
Conversion processors. |
20. |
Code conversions e.g. BCD/EBCDIC/ |
6. |
Dynamic Monitors and instruction |
execution counters. |
21. |
Compilers and [sic] |
7. |
Database DML Hosting preprocessors. |
22. |
Interpreters. |
8. |
Automatic Relabelling and |
23. |
COMMON block organisers (for |
Tidying programs. |
Multi programmer projects). |
9. |
Cross Reference Listings. |
24. |
Automatic flowcharters. |
10. |
Syntax checking (e.g. PFORT). |
25. |
Simulation language, preprocessors |
e.g. CSMP. |
11. |
Multifile comparison and Anti- |
editing (finds differences). |
26. |
Preprocessors that provide a |
"Trace" facility. |
12. |
Source code compression/expansion. |
27. |
Preprocessors that provide a |
13. |
Shorthand Fortran (e.g. SHORTRAN). |
'debug' facility. |
14. |
GENESYS type Engineering |
28. |
Source code concatenation or |
preprocessors. |
appending. |
15. |
Multi-language translators |
(a) X to FORTRAN. |
29. |
Declaration Generator or |
(b) FORTRAN to X. |
substitution processor. |
(c) Fortran dialect 'a' to |
dialect 'b'. |
30. |
Automatic Program documentation |
extracted from source code. |
16. |
Automatic Subprogram separator. |
31. |
Data Structuring Preprocessors. |
Summary of Talk by Dr. D. Clifford on DEC Fortran Systems
The talk was mainly about the Fortran Systems available of the PDP8 and PDP11
series computers with 16K words or more. The PDP8 has compilers for Fortran 2
and Fortran 4 with extensions for PHA Sampling routines, Plotter/printer and
Laboratory Experimental Systems. The PDP11 has compilers for Fortran 4 and
Fortran 4+. There exists upwards compatibility from PDP8 Fortran 4 to PDP11
Fortran 4 and 4+. If the ANSI standard is observed, programs are portable from
PDP11 to PDP8. On the PDP11 Fortran 4 can run under the RT11, RSXllM and RSTS E
operating systems, Fortran 4+ operates under the RSX1lD operating system. A
major implementation difference between 4 and 4+ is that Fortran 4 produces
threaded code and Fortran 4+ produces in-line code. Both compilers conform to
the ANSI 1966 standard, and include a few extensions. Fortran 4+ performs quite
sophisticated optimisations including: compile-time evaluation of, constant
expressions, constant conversion and constant subscript expressions, argument
list merging (when two subprograms reference the same arguments, a single copy
of the argument list is generated), logical and arithmetic branch instructions
are optimised often to a single machine instruction, unreachable code is
eliminated, common subexpressions are recognised and replaced, invariant
computations are removed from DO loops, register allocation minimises load
and store instructions and frequently used variables in DO loops are held in
registers. Many of the intrinsic functions (eg ABS) are coded in-line. A
floating point processor is available and the PDP11/45 has hardware
instructions to perform loading/storing jointly with integer/real conversion
and can use core locations in the same way other processors use their
accumulators, again eliminating the need for repetitious load/store for simple
statements like: J=J+K, J=K, I=I*2, K=K-l, J=J+l, I=0, X=0.0 and L=-L which
are converted to a single machine instruction.
Extensions to the language include ENCODE/DECODE, TYPE/ACCEPT and random access
input/output, mixed mode arithmetic expressions and no limit on the number of
continuation lines.
Supporting facilities include a comprehensive scientific subroutine library.
with the RT-11 (real-time) operating system packages for graphics (VT11),
printer plotter (LV11), laboratory peripheral system (LPS11), laboratory system
(AR11) and digital I/O (DR11K) are provided. With the RSX-11 operating system
packages for industrial control and DEC laboratory control interfaces, RSX-11
system directives and I.S.A. standard routines for tasking, bit handling and
process control are provided.
An independent comparison by the CCA using the WHETSTONE benchmark included
the DEC PDP11 and a summary of performance in Kilo-Whetstone-instructions/
second is given below.
7600 |
8333 |
- |
360/195 |
5000 |
4760 |
1080 KL10 |
>1000 |
>700 |
11T55 FP11-C |
735 |
552 |
11/70 FP11-c |
694 |
515 |
6400 |
563 |
- |
360/65 |
521 |
421 |
DG |
500 |
405 |
483 |
- |
370/155 |
465 |
- |
1106 |
415 |
- |
340 |
- |
298 |
- |
HP |
3000 |
139 |
8.5 |
HP |
2100S |
76 |
47 |
DG |
NOVA 840 |
71 |
56 |
360/50 |
60 |
50 |
= F O R - W O R D = >
Volume 2, Number 2 [Pages 11-16] April 1976
Published by Ad Hoc Committee on Fortran Development, ACM-SIGPLAN
Prepared for the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration under Contract W-7405-ENG-48
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In an unofficial action, the Fortran Standards committee (X3J3) expressed its inclination in fa-
or of a proposal to incorporate an IF-THEN-ELSE structure into the current revision of Standard For-
tran. This was expressed by an informal vote during the X3J3 meeting at NBS Gaithershurg Md (March
31 - April 2), and was no doubt influenced by public response at the Fortran Forum earlier in the
week. A number of members of the committee felt concern because of the "lateness of the hour," but
the prevailing sentiment was that the importance of this feature warranted giving some extra consid-
oration to its adoption. The proposal was presented by Walt Brainerd and is of course subject
to further revision prior to its possible formal adoption. Public
comment on this proposal is solicited, and should be directed to Lloyd W. Campbell, BRL-CSD Bldg 328,
Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005.