Minutes of a meeting of the Steering
Committee held on Friday, l4th May,
1971 at B.C.S. Headquarters, 29
Portland Place, London, W.1. at
1.30 p.m.
Present: Mr. J.S. Gatehouse (Chairman)
Mr. R.E. Day
Mr. M.J. Garside
Professor P.A. Samet (for part of the meeting)
Mr. B.H. Shearing
Mr. D.T. Muxworthy (Secretary)
for absence: Mr. D.H. Marwick
EDINBURGH Mr. Day distributed a preliminary Balance Sheet for the
WORKSHOP - Workshop.
GENERAL REPORT Professor Balfour was to be requested to include in the
general report of the Conference a list of Working
Parties and to indicate that the Working Parties would DTM
report to a meeting of the Group in the autumn prior to
any publication in the Bulletin.
Messrs. Gatehouse and Muxworthy were to compile an up-
to-date Members list and then to circulate members ask-
ing if they wish to remain on the list. Opportunity will JSG/DEM
be taken to point out that the general Workshop report
will appear in the Bulletin.
EDINBURGH All Discussion Group chairmen had now submitted reports, MJG
WORKSHOP - except Mr. Garside for the second day. The Secretary
TECHNICAL was requested to thank Mr. Schofield for his particularly DTM
REPORT good report.
Following the mailing list revision, the unedited RED
Workshop Chairman's Reports would be distributed to
members of the Group.
The unedited reports were also to be sent to Mr. Engler [sic]
(Chairman, ANSI X3J3) with a summary of work in progress DTM
here and a request for more information on the new ANSI
draft standard.
FUTURE It was decided that Steering Committee minutes should
PROGRAMME not be distributed to the Group but that the Committee
should be mindful of the need to keep in touch with
the members.
Diagnostics Working Party: This has one member
besides its Chairman. Professor Samet is to extend PAS
its membership by invitation.
Mini-computers Working Party: This has eight members.
It should not exclude BASIC and other languages from MJG
its considerations and its aim should be to publish
proposals in the Bulletin for discussion.
Extensions Working Party: This has nine members. Its
target is to issue a report by the end of the year and BHS
to have it published in the Bulletin a year after its
previous report.
Free Format Working Party: This was not thought to
have started work. Its Chairman was to be asked to DTM
consider its terms of reference to see if it might be
worthwhile combining with the Mini-computers Working
Party (which Mr. Garside would welcome).
OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Day suggested the establishment at B.C.S., H.Q. of
a Group Library, or an index of reference to Fortran JSG
documents. Mr. Gatehouse was to discuss this with
Mr. Ellis.
DATE OF NEXT The next Group meeting was provisionally arranged to
MEETING take place on Thursday, 21st October, 1971 at 10.30 a.m. JSG